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Help required to complete ???

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Hi Alec.

I am making automotive tank project and with the help of you I have completed my
clock circuit , 3 hr timer circuit and corrosion free water sensor circuit..

And only one part is remaining.

The part which is remaining is how do I connect all the circuit part.. together to work completely.

I have attach the full description in my attachment please have a look.

Waiting for your kind help ? :)



  • Circuit.PNG
    43.6 KB · Views: 192
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Connect what? All I see are labeled circuits.

Friend Kmoffet .... I have some circuit which are : clock circuit , 3 hr timer circuit and corrosion free water sensor circuit..

I just want only control and timer circuit... friend..
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No help.

One problem I see, Yusuf, is the way the water supply is being sensed. With the way you have shown the pump could be running for 10 mins before it is known whether or not there is a water supply. Running a pump dry for that time (or indeed any longer than a second or two) is likely to ruin the pump. What you need is some means of detecting if water is in the inlet pipe of the pump before switching the pump on.
One problem I see, Yusuf, is the way the water supply is being sensed. With the way you have shown the pump could be running for 10 mins before it is known whether or not there is a water supply.

Yes Alec... absoultely right... I want the way as I have shown..

What you need is some means of detecting if water is in the inlet pipe of the pump before switching the pump on.

No..friend..I want to use water sensor in tank to detect the water as I have posted above in my attachment..

And thanks for your reply ..
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I want to use water sensor in tank to detect the water
Okay. But replacement pumps will be expensive!
Another problem. If you turn off the timer after detecting water at the 10 minute mark with your Water Sensor, if the water supply then fails before the tank is filled there is no way of turning the pump off and it will run indefinitely.
Alec I want to solve this problem because I want as the water supply fails then absolutely water sensor will not detect the water and it should turn off the pump... and then restart after 30 minutes..

Is there any idea...
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If the water level is above the position of the Water Sensor when the supply fails the Sensor will think water is present and the pump will continue to run, but it will be running dry. You can't alter that with your present Water Sensor. That is why I suggested you need to have a sensor to check for water present in the inlet pipe of the pump.
Why do we need those Timers?
You just need 3 water sensor. Alec_t was right. You need to placed another sensor as Inlet Sensor. Inlet water sensor before the water pump, empty sensor and full sensor. Water pump will stop if there's no water to avoid damage to the pump.
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That is why I suggested you need to have a sensor to check for water present in the inlet pipe of the pump.

Ok friend I agree with you..

SO,what we should do to accomplish all this task as per in my diagram..

need some more explanations, where do you get the water from? a well or a government supply? as Tilamsik told timer is never required for such a controller. what you want to see is the level of the tank that you wish to keep water always above. when water comes bellow that pump get a command to start and works till it gets a signal from tank full sensor. in case no water pressure at pump inlet, then it shuld be inhibitted till there is water.
where do you get the water from? a well or a government supply?
I was going to ask that. In either case a diaphragm-operated switch could be used to sense inlet water pressure to ensure there is a water supply.
SO,what we should do to accomplish all this task as per in my diagram.
We cant do that until we know definitely how water presence at the pump inlet will be sensed. The task is really crying out for a microcontroller to be used to handle all the monitoring, timing and control functions, but are you able to manage that, Yusuf?
If the water level is above the position of the Water Sensor when the supply fails the Sensor will think water is present and the pump will continue to run, but it will be running dry. You can't alter that with your present Water Sensor. That is why I suggested you need to have a sensor to check for water present in the inlet pipe of the pump.

Hi... Alec...Every problem has solution .. I hope we can achieve this also ... there is no need of of sensor to sense in the inlet of the pump...

where do you get the water from? a well or a government supply?

I get water from government supply. And here In India where I stay , there is no fixed time of water supply to come. Water Comes anytime so I thought to use water sensor to detect water availability and then fill the tank else switch off the pump and then restart in every 30 minutes...

Why do we need those Timers?

We need Timer to switch on the motor at every interval until the tanks becomes full.. Again Here In India there is no fixed time of water supply to come. So I am using Timers to switch Motor pump until it becomes full..


Alec I hope we can make it.. Although I don't have good electronics knowledge But I am confident we can make it ?? :)
Because Everything is possible...

The task is really crying out for a micro controller to be used to handle all the monitoring, timing and control functions, but are you able to manage that, Yusuf?

If I get your help then I can make it using micro - controller also.....

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there is no need of of sensor to sense in the inlet of the pump...
Why do you think there is not? I have given my reasons why I think there is need and have suggested a suitable sensor to use.
Edit: Mbarazeen and Tilamsik also think an inlet sensor is needed, and in post #13 you agreed.
Every problem has solution
You seem to be unwilling to accept the solution I put forward ;-)
If I get your help then I can make it using micro - controller also..
Sorry, but I don't have the expertise for that. You would have to find someone else to advise on programming a micro.
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Ok Alec... I agree with you.. so lets move forward ... so What should I do ?? Give my first task..

I think the first task will be to locate a suitable sensor for the inlet pipe. Domestic showers use them, either to detect when a shower tap is opened (pressure drops) and switch on a pump, or to detect failure of the water supply (pressure drops) and switch off an electric heater. There are other appliances (clothes-washer, dish-washer, .....) which also use them, to sense water level by sensing small pressure changes. You may be able to 'rescue' one from a junk appliance. When you have one you can determine what connections it needs and proceed from there.
If you can locate a suitable sensor then, as pointed out above, timers would be unnecessary. That would simplify the set-up considerably and would make use of a micro (or complex logic) unnecessary, too.
yusuf, as you mentioned, if no water then you wait for 30min to start the pump again, i just surprised why? you can immediately start the pump when water is available. say if the pump has just stopped due to non availability of water & after 1min if water is available then why should you want your system to wait till 29 min more to start again?? whereas you can make it to work instantly...
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