I'm trying to add a bi-colour LEDs to my project to act as an indicator. It will show green when the circuit is powered up and then turn red when a certain signal is sent. Vcc is at 5 volts and the 'signal' mentioned previously is tagged and sent to the base of a BC558C transistor to switch on the red half of the LED. This part works OK, but how do I invert the circuit to turn off the green part of the LED? I'm sure it's simple but I'm not an EE and I can't figure it out. I've tried various combinations of transistors (both PNP and NPN) but without success.
I've now got a flip-flop wired in place, but the LEDs switch only on the leading edge of the signal pulse and do not return when the pulse ends. Can the 4013 be wired to follow the signal pulse both leading and trailing edge?
Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.
I'm trying to add a bi-colour LEDs to my project to act as an indicator. It will show green when the circuit is powered up and then turn red when a certain signal is sent. Vcc is at 5 volts and the 'signal' mentioned previously is tagged and sent to the base of a BC558C transistor to switch on the red half of the LED. This part works OK, but how do I invert the circuit to turn off the green part of the LED? I'm sure it's simple but I'm not an EE and I can't figure it out. I've tried various combinations of transistors (both PNP and NPN) but without success.
I've now got a flip-flop wired in place, but the LEDs switch only on the leading edge of the signal pulse and do not return when the pulse ends. Can the 4013 be wired to follow the signal pulse both leading and trailing edge?
Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.
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