I am looking for about 25 full spectrum light bulbs to put inside the house in all the light fixtures in every room. Online I see crazy prices $12 and up per bulb that will not fit in house light fixtures because of the strange bulb shape. Most house light fixtures are for 60w bulbs some are 40w. I found some 150w full spectrum and a few 60w but 60w is shaped like a mushroom it will not fit in any house light fixture.
Doctor gave me cholesterol medicine that gives me terrible painful leg cramps. Different medicine was worse. Today I got a 3rd medicine good thing I read the paper this medicine if for people with extremely high blood sugar and extremely high blood pressure. Wife is a nurse the screamed, DON'T TAKE THIS IT WILL KILL YOU. This is 2nd time this doctor gave me wrong medicine time to change doctors. SUN light lowers cholesterol. I spend a lot of time outside in summer my cholesterol gets lower on its own but winter we are prisoners in the house cholesterol goes high. We need real sunlight inside the house.
There use to be a company that makes fresnel lens lights for houses. 12" Fresnel lens outside on roof sends sunlight inside by fiberoptic then a lens inside projects sulight to light up an entire room. Wow these things use to be crazy expensive $600 per light. I can't find these lights online anymore maybe the crazy high prices put them out of business or maybe I am not using correct word search. It is not possible for a 12" fresnel lens to make any more sunlight inside the house than a 12" hole in the roof sq ft is the same.
Doctor gave me cholesterol medicine that gives me terrible painful leg cramps. Different medicine was worse. Today I got a 3rd medicine good thing I read the paper this medicine if for people with extremely high blood sugar and extremely high blood pressure. Wife is a nurse the screamed, DON'T TAKE THIS IT WILL KILL YOU. This is 2nd time this doctor gave me wrong medicine time to change doctors. SUN light lowers cholesterol. I spend a lot of time outside in summer my cholesterol gets lower on its own but winter we are prisoners in the house cholesterol goes high. We need real sunlight inside the house.
There use to be a company that makes fresnel lens lights for houses. 12" Fresnel lens outside on roof sends sunlight inside by fiberoptic then a lens inside projects sulight to light up an entire room. Wow these things use to be crazy expensive $600 per light. I can't find these lights online anymore maybe the crazy high prices put them out of business or maybe I am not using correct word search. It is not possible for a 12" fresnel lens to make any more sunlight inside the house than a 12" hole in the roof sq ft is the same.