Fuel injection timer

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New Member
Hey guys, what are your thoughts on a SIMPLE fuel injection timer based on throttle position and RPM. As RPM and/or throttle position increased, the clock frequency of a 555 timer or similar circuit would increase to increase the amount of fuel being fed into a small engine. Im just not sure that I would be able to model this on the computer before I tried it practically. What programs could I use to do this that is easier to use than Circuit Maker 2000 Pro?
It will also have to be closely linked to crankshaft position, and the relationship to crank position has to vary with RPM - which, I suspect, will remove "simple" from the project.
The width of the pulse used to energise the injector is a main factor determining the amount of fuel per revolution. As Robin2 indicates, the pulse timing is all-important too. There is no simple timer for this.
What programs could I use to do this that is easier to use than Circuit Maker 2000 Pro?
LTSpice is pretty capable for sims, but not having used C M 2000 I couldn't say if it's easier to use.
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