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For good reasons - towel heads?

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Why not turn it over?



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RUUUN BONCUK!!! :eek: avalanche of sensitive people and moderator warnings, coming fast at 6' o clock!
Meh, didn't even really get a giggle out of it.
Why not turn it over?

I suppose that if there was a well known pejorative term for "person who lives in Thailand" and we used it you might have occasion to feel a bit differently. Not for sure, nor for certain, but probably. From 1963 to 1972 we had a generally offensive term for the folks we were fighting, which I don't think they cared for very much. Point is we use offensive language to dehumanize our enemies. Each of us must decide if we will laugh, or ignore, or be offended, or respond. I choose the latter case to say that I've lost considerable respect for you.
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Point is we use offensive language to dehumanize our enemies. Each of us must decide if we will laugh, or ignore, or be offended, or respond. I choose the latter case to say that I've lost considerable respect for you.

American here, and ditto. I personally have little respect for religion of any kind, but pejoratives have no place in discourse. We used to call some people gooks and chinks because it made it easier for us to not feel bad for killing them. I don't think that's a good thing.
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Everyone does it to some degree, it's unavoidably part of human nature.
Well I thought it was funny. :D

I even told it to a few people today as well.
They thought it was funny too! (One preacher included).:eek:

I am glad my butt is not as politically sensitive as some people tend to be. Otherwise I would probably need a 'special cream' or something.:rolleyes:

Keep em comming Boncuk! :)
I think it was kind of stupid. And please, preacher? They don't have to be any better than other people so it doesn't mean much unless it was an Islamic preacher.
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New Slurs!

Colombian Drug Dealer, German Nazi, American White Trash, Mexican Beaner* Sudaca, Arab Terrorist, Stinky French, Italian Gangster​
Best jokes to use in the bar with your mates, or even against them!

:DOnly For limited time, buy 3, pay 1 :D

* Effective against any target who speaks spanish, even if he was born on Europe

DISCLAIMER: This devices are not toys. Not intended to be used in FORUMS or other kind of remote comunication (joke point may be lost). Avoid using them if the destinatary is not your friend or trusted person. If you are hit by one, get inmediate medical attention and don't take it personaly.​
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American Imperialist?

I didn't know that I was possibly supposed to maybe be offended by that.:confused:
American Imperialist?

I didn't know that I was possibly supposed to maybe be offended by that.:confused:

Sorry, I need to improve my english (including insults). Do you have any more effective suggestion to fix it?

EDIT: I found one :D
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American Imperialist?

I didn't know that I was possibly supposed to maybe be offended by that.:confused:

Well, the USA has certainly been the most imperialistic nation since the end of World War 2, there is no question about that. Throughout history, it was England. It took two world wars to finally put an end to the British Empire.

But I don't think this joke is unfunny because it's politically incorrect, it's simply not funny.
Each to their own I reckon, I got a decent chuckle out of it so did my wife and son.....
Man, if the world would waste less time worrying about offending or being offended and just have a beer and laugh out loud, we'd probably have less worries.
So am I to understand that we have a double standard? It is most definitely not OK to insult an individual member. I should know I've been banned for doing it. But under the guise of humor it is OK to insult and offend entire groups of members? This is pernicious cant of the very worst kind. We have members from Islamic countries and this reflects poorly on each and every one of us. Members who think this kind of thing is amusing or funny should be ashamed of themselves, but the moderators who perpetuate this pernicious situation bear an even greater responsibility. We might need to spend more time worrying about this situation than less. It might just be one reason why we find ourselves in our current situation. That's my opinion and you all are stuck with it.
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I think the real problem comes down to some 6+ billion people who each have their own personal standards of what funny or not to them and whats an insult or not to them. ;)

I dont see how any one can make a standard of whats acceptable or not for any one but themselves.
I find it strange that so many people will readily accept and use an attitude of 'its not my responsibility' for so many things that are in fact their responsibility yet they feel the need to impose their beliefs of whats right, wrong, funny, or insulting onto others who openly do not feel the same way.

Crime and death rates go up in their neighbor hoods yet people feel its not their responsibility to report the bad guys they know about to the authorities. But yet they have no problems or hesitation to take on the personal responsibility to report or judge someone for what or who they commented about in regards to someone else's beliefs or sense of what that person thinks is funny or not.

For what its worth spend your hypocritical time chasing down the drug dealers, thugs, crooked businessmen, corrupt officials and general scum bags that are causing real problems in your community and do something about them and let the 'A Jew, a priest, and a duck walk into a bar' Jokes run rampant! :)
It is so much easier to take the high ground when the perpetrator doesn't try to beat you to a pulp but just says a none PC word. Hell, what are they going to do when you retaliate, shout a different word. This idea that we should gang up on the guy that used the wrong word is just silly. Save your anger for the real criminals.

End of the day, every race, religion and country has the Michael taken out of them and should just get over it. When one group of society wins the right to not have the Michael taken out of them then society has become prejudice.

My forum name here is Pommie. This is a (seen by some as) derogatory term for an English man in Australia. I don't find it derogatory and find some of the pomme jokes quite funny.

Lighten up people.

Meh, didn't even really get a giggle out of it.

No reason to laugh or even giggle.

It's just reason to think about islamic terrorists and what they might do to you and your family.

I experience their will and abilities daily and I'm well prepared for any of them.
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