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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.


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New Member
hi all

i write a program in order to move a servo motor according to an Accelerometer ....and yes the motor moves while you are change the direction of the accelerometer but ... i face a problem that the servo sometimes moves free whithout touch the accelerometer

is there any thing wrong?how can i control the servo motor so that it moves according to the movement of the sensor only ...

my circuit : accelemeter >> microprocessor>>relays>>servo motor

thanks in advance
Presumably your software has a bug?, apply normal de-bugging techniques - in particular make sure there isn't any movement data comiing from the accelerometer.

What are the relays for?.
Presumably your software has a bug?, apply normal de-bugging techniques - in particular make sure there isn't any movement data comiing from the accelerometer.

What are the relays for?.

i don't know if i get your point!!
actully i write my program using c-language

we use relays as h-bridge for the output of the microprocessor
The accelerometer may have a small output offset voltage, even when it is not moving, which your system is responding to.
As previously suggested, a programming bug, or, there are is some interference signal getting on to the the signal wires from the accelerometer to the micro processor.

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