Im here for searching some kind of solution for driving paralled leds using constant current led driver chips like tl4242.
Here what im looking for. Im planning to control leds brigness using microcontroller based system. As you know , for variable brigness of leds , best way is to use a current source for driving leds. For that purposes lots of ic available on market, but i was searching some kind of different solution.
As known , constant current based led driver chips can source up to 500mA (or even more ) current for serial connected leds. This is great way to adjust brighness of the leds using microcontroller. But there is an issue on such as these systems. If when one of the serial connected led is open circuited , the current path will be open circuited to and none of the leds will shine anymore. This will make some problems on real world.
For that issue im here to ask you that what can i do to eliminate that problem ? Is there any method can be done such as these circuits out of there ?
Im here for searching some kind of solution for driving paralled leds using constant current led driver chips like tl4242.
Here what im looking for. Im planning to control leds brigness using microcontroller based system. As you know , for variable brigness of leds , best way is to use a current source for driving leds. For that purposes lots of ic available on market, but i was searching some kind of different solution.
As known , constant current based led driver chips can source up to 500mA (or even more ) current for serial connected leds. This is great way to adjust brighness of the leds using microcontroller. But there is an issue on such as these systems. If when one of the serial connected led is open circuited , the current path will be open circuited to and none of the leds will shine anymore. This will make some problems on real world.
For that issue im here to ask you that what can i do to eliminate that problem ? Is there any method can be done such as these circuits out of there ?