co2 detector triggers a phone to call

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New Member
Hi everyone one please bear with me i have reason to believe me inlaws are smoking around my baby and i want to hide a co2 detector around the house somewhere that is wired via something to trigger a prepaid cellphone to call me when it detects the smoke from there cigarrettes. any help with this is appreciated and anyone that feels like bashing this cause you think im over reacting can shove it up your *ss. sorry for the hostility to those who want to help i have just got too much crap for trying to maintain my childs health to people that think cigaretts "arent gonna do anything, see my kids their fine and i smoked around them" i hate when people say that.
At a quick guess, a smoke detector would be better than a CO2 detector.

I also guest that the way to go would be to drive a relay instead of the counder in the smoke detector, and use the relay contacts wired across the send button to send a message to you.


PS, please turn off RantMode, and try a bit of punctuation, it will make your posts a lot more readable.

So is this to say that you are leaving your children with someone you do not trust? Hmm, Is your spouse on base with you? If so, double Hmm.

Sad to think your inlaws would not follow your rules, and if they are so inclined then maybe you should not have them babysit, as I assume that is what they are doing since the would be smoking is occuring out of your eyesight.

Perhaps you should just fork out the $400. or so a month for day care and be done with it.

Oh, wait you want your cake and eat it too.

I may have been more receptive to your post but your tone put me off.

Here, check this site.
Cigarette Smoke Detector - STEALTH smoking enforcement with alarm, wireless, wired alerting cigarette smoke detector options. Sales and manufacturing of cigarette smoke detector for bathroom.
thank you Jim B.

To: Mikebits
I'm sorry, I was in a bad mood last night. I am forced to live at my inlaws house due to unavoidable issues that are, for the time being out of my hands. Although none of your business, I am doing all that I can to rectify the situation. Also I did say I apologize for the hostility of my post to those of you who want to help. My girlfriend has a natural byass for her parents and believes what they say. I on the other hand am a skeptic I chose concrete evidence before I believe thats why I wanted to go this route. So I cannot fork over 400 dollars, I need to fix this situation.
HA thats awesome i should do that but figuring out where to put it or which stuffed animal to convert in the room is the question thanks , i appreciate your suggestion
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