I've got a simple circuit I am looking to reverse engineer to suit a slightly modified use case for my car steering wheel controls. I am only working on the 4 LED (assumed) lights at present as this is basically a separate circuit on the board to the main functionality.
The blue markup in the images is ground, the red is 12v from the car electrical system.
The measured resistor values are as below:
202 = 1.99k
272 = 2.705k
242 = 2.396k
182 = 1.806k
What I do not understand is why the resistor values differ for each LED ? I will be removing these LED's to use on my own custom made board.
The blue markup in the images is ground, the red is 12v from the car electrical system.
The measured resistor values are as below:
202 = 1.99k
272 = 2.705k
242 = 2.396k
182 = 1.806k
What I do not understand is why the resistor values differ for each LED ? I will be removing these LED's to use on my own custom made board.