I have some old devices I made with PIC chips, and other micros.
Of course my code is "revolutionary" and the world would stop if someone got a hold of my device and read the chip.
So I locked it.
The years go by and guess what??
Hard drives crash, flash drives get reused or lost, the dog ate my notes, and who even has a floppy drive anymore...
I lost my code.
...more than once.
I would like to unlock it myself (so my precious code doesn't get out (here we go again...)), so, has anyone stumbled upon sites or acquired knowledge that shows how?
I know there are businesses in china that will do it starting at $500 US, but I have time to try things first.
I recall some chips if you heated them to an exact HOT temp while hammering it with read attempts will spill it's guts.
Might have been atmel or 8051's.
Others had brown-out attacks.
Not really looking for theory, more hands on, or, hold-my-hand type info.
Of course my code is "revolutionary" and the world would stop if someone got a hold of my device and read the chip.
So I locked it.
The years go by and guess what??
Hard drives crash, flash drives get reused or lost, the dog ate my notes, and who even has a floppy drive anymore...
I lost my code.
...more than once.
I would like to unlock it myself (so my precious code doesn't get out (here we go again...)), so, has anyone stumbled upon sites or acquired knowledge that shows how?
I know there are businesses in china that will do it starting at $500 US, but I have time to try things first.
I recall some chips if you heated them to an exact HOT temp while hammering it with read attempts will spill it's guts.
Might have been atmel or 8051's.
Others had brown-out attacks.
Not really looking for theory, more hands on, or, hold-my-hand type info.