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Calling all programming heads

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No That why I said get a bigger pic
Ok cuz i was told i might need one, so now i will go ahead and order the chip i see ur an ebay seller u selling any?lol

also how can the program portion be tweaked to achieve want i want to do?
LIST p=16F628  
 include "" 
 ERRORLEVEL 0, -302 ;suppress bank selection messages
 __config 0x3D18
  cblock 0x20   ;start of general purpose registers
   count   ;used in looping routines
   count1   ;used in delay routine
   counta   ;used in delay routine
   countb   ;used in delay routine
   tmp1   ;temporary storage
   templcd   ;temp store for 4 bit mode
   key   ;which key was pressed
   rows   ;counter for number of rows
   code1   ;registers for secret code
   key1   ;registers for keyed attempts
LCD_RS  Equ 0x04   ;LCD handshake lines
LCD_RW  Equ 0x06
LCD_E  Equ 0x07
KEY_PORT Equ PORTB   ;keypad port
Col1  Equ 0   ;pins used for keypad inputs
Col2  Equ 1
Col3  Equ 2
Col4  Equ 3
  org 0x0000
  goto Start
Key_Table   ADDWF   PCL       , f ;translation table for keypad
             RETLW   0x31 ;1
             RETLW   0x34 ;4
             RETLW   0x37 ;7
             RETLW   0x2a ;*
             RETLW   0x32 ;2
             RETLW   0x35 ;5
             RETLW   0x38 ;8
             RETLW   0x30 ;0
             RETLW   0x33 ;3
             RETLW   0x36 ;6
             RETLW   0x39 ;9
             RETLW   0x23 ;#
             RETLW   0x43 ;C
             RETLW   0x44 ;D
             RETLW   0x45 ;E
             RETLW   0x46 ;F
HEX_Table   ADDWF   PCL       , f  ;hex table for LCD routines
             RETLW   0x30
             RETLW   0x31
             RETLW   0x32
             RETLW   0x33
             RETLW   0x34
             RETLW   0x35
             RETLW   0x36
             RETLW   0x37
             RETLW   0x38
             RETLW   0x39
             RETLW   0x41
             RETLW   0x42
             RETLW   0x43
             RETLW   0x44
             RETLW   0x45
             RETLW   0x46
Text  addwf PCL, f
  retlw 'S'
  retlw 'k'
  retlw 'r'
  retlw 'i'
  retlw 'v'
  retlw ' '
  retlw 'k'
  retlw 'o'
  retlw 'd'
  retlw 'e'
  retlw '!'
  retlw '.'
  retlw 0x00
Wrong_Text addwf PCL, f
  retlw 'F'
  retlw 'o'
  retlw 'r'
  retlw 'k'
  retlw 'e'
  retlw 'r'
  retlw 't'
  retlw ' '
  retlw 'k'
  retlw 'o'
  retlw 'd'
  retlw 'e'
  retlw 0x00
Correct_Text addwf PCL, f
  retlw 'K'
  retlw 'o'
  retlw 'r'
  retlw 'r'
  retlw 'e'
  retlw 'k'
  retlw 't'
  retlw ' '
  retlw 'k'
  retlw 'o'
  retlw 'd'
  retlw 'e'
  retlw '.'
  retlw 0x00
Start  movlw 0x07
  movwf CMCON   ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
Initialise movlw '0'   ;set 4 digit secret code
  movwf code1
  movlw '0'
  movwf code2
  movlw '0'
  movwf code3
  movlw '0'
  movwf code4
SetPorts bsf  STATUS,  RP0 ;select bank 1
  movlw 0x00   ;make all pins outputs
  movwf LCD_TRIS
  movlw 0x0F   ;set keypad pins
  movwf KEY_TRIS  ;half in, half out
  movwf TRISB
  bcf  STATUS,  RP0 ;select bank 0
Init  call LCD_Init  ;setup LCD
  clrf count   ;set counter register to zero
Message  movf count, w  ;put counter value in W
  call Text   ;get a character from the text table
  xorlw 0x00   ;is it a zero?
  btfsc STATUS, Z
  goto Main
  call LCD_Char
  incf count, f
  goto Message
Wrong  call LCD_Clr
  clrf count   ;set counter register to zero
Message1 movf count, w  ;put counter value in W
  call Wrong_Text  ;get a character from the text table
  xorlw 0x00   ;is it a zero?
  btfsc STATUS, Z
  goto Wrong_Wait
  call LCD_Char
  incf count, f
  goto Message1
Wrong_Wait call Delay255
  call Delay255
  call Delay255
  call Delay255
  goto Init
Correct  call LCD_Clr
  clrf count   ;set counter register to zero
Message2 movf count, w  ;put counter value in W
  call Correct_Text  ;get a character from the text table
  xorlw 0x00   ;is it a zero?
  btfsc STATUS, Z
  goto Correct_Wait
  call LCD_Char
  incf count, f
  goto Message2
Correct_Wait call Delay255
  call Delay255
  call Delay255
  call Delay255
  goto Init
Main  movlw d'1'
  call LCD_Line2W  ;move to 2nd row, 2nd column
  call LCD_CurOn
  call Chk_Keys  ;wait for key
  movwf key1   ;store first digit
  call LCD_Char
  call Chk_Keys  ;wait for key
  movwf key2   ;store second digit
  call LCD_Char
  call Chk_Keys  ;wait for key
  movwf key3   ;store third digit
  call LCD_Char
  call Chk_Keys  ;wait for key
  movwf key4   ;store fourth digit
  call LCD_Char
  call LCD_CurOff
Chk_Code movf code1, w  ;test first digit
  subwf key1, w
  btfss STATUS, Z
  goto Wrong
  movf code2, w  ;test second digit
  subwf key2, w
  btfss STATUS, Z
  goto Wrong
  movf code3, w  ;test third digit
  subwf key3, w
  btfss STATUS, Z
  goto Wrong
  movf code4, w  ;test fourth digit
  subwf key4, w
  btfss STATUS, Z
  goto Wrong
  goto Correct
;Keypad subroutines
Chk_Keys movlw 0x00   ;wait until no key pressed
  movwf KEY_PORT  ;set all output pins low
  movf KEY_PORT, W
  andlw 0x0F   ;mask off high byte
  sublw 0x0F
  btfsc STATUS, Z  ;test if any key pressed
  goto Keys   ;if none, read keys
  call Delay20
  goto Chk_Keys  ;else try again
Keys    call    Scan_Keys
             movlw   0x10   ;check for no key pressed
             subwf   key, w
             btfss   STATUS, Z
             goto    Key_Found
  call Delay20
  goto Keys
Key_Found       movf    key, w
  andlw 0x0f
  call Key_Table  ;lookup key in table 
  movwf key   ;save back in key
  return    ;key pressed now in W
Scan_Keys   clrf    key
  movlw 0xF0   ;set all output lines high
             movwf   KEY_PORT
             movlw   0x04
             movwf   rows   ;set number of rows
             bcf     STATUS, C  ;put a 0 into carry
Scan    rrf     KEY_PORT, f
             bsf     STATUS, C  ;follow the zero with ones
;comment out next two lines for 4x3 numeric keypad.
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col4
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col3
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col2
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col1
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             decfsz  rows, f
             goto    Scan
Press    return
;end of keypad subroutines.
;LCD routines
;Initialise LCD
LCD_Init call  LCD_Busy  ;wait for LCD to settle
  movlw 0x20   ;Set 4 bit mode
  call LCD_Cmd
  movlw 0x28   ;Set display shift
  call LCD_Cmd
  movlw 0x06   ;Set display character mode
  call LCD_Cmd
  movlw 0x0c   ;Set display on/off and cursor command
  call LCD_Cmd   ;Set cursor off
  call LCD_Clr   ;clear display
  retlw 0x00
; command set routine
LCD_Cmd  movwf templcd
  swapf templcd, w ;send upper nibble
  andlw 0x0f   ;clear upper 4 bits of W
  movwf LCD_PORT
  bcf LCD_PORT, LCD_RS ;RS line to 1
  call Pulse_e   ;Pulse the E line high
  movf templcd, w ;send lower nibble
  andlw 0x0f   ;clear upper 4 bits of W
  movwf LCD_PORT
  bcf LCD_PORT, LCD_RS ;RS line to 1
  call Pulse_e   ;Pulse the E line high
  call  LCD_Busy
  retlw 0x00
LCD_CharD addlw 0x30   ;add 0x30 to convert to ASCII
LCD_Char movwf templcd
  swapf templcd, w ;send upper nibble
  andlw 0x0f   ;clear upper 4 bits of W
  movwf LCD_PORT
  bsf LCD_PORT, LCD_RS ;RS line to 1
  call Pulse_e   ;Pulse the E line high
  movf templcd, w ;send lower nibble
  andlw 0x0f   ;clear upper 4 bits of W
  movwf LCD_PORT
  bsf LCD_PORT, LCD_RS ;RS line to 1
  call Pulse_e   ;Pulse the E line high
  call  LCD_Busy
  retlw 0x00
LCD_Line1 movlw 0x80   ;move to 1st row, first column
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_Line2 movlw 0xc0   ;move to 2nd row, first column
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_Line1W addlw 0x80   ;move to 1st row, column W
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_Line2W addlw 0xc0   ;move to 2nd row, column W
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_CurOn movlw 0x0d   ;Set display on/off and cursor command
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_CurOff movlw 0x0c   ;Set display on/off and cursor command
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_Clr  movlw 0x01   ;Clear display
  call LCD_Cmd
  retlw 0x00
LCD_HEX  movwf tmp1
  swapf tmp1, w
  andlw 0x0f
  call HEX_Table
  call LCD_Char
  movf tmp1, w
  andlw 0x0f
  call HEX_Table
  call LCD_Char
  retlw 0x00
Delay255 movlw 0xff   ;delay 255 mS
  goto d0
Delay100 movlw d'100'   ;delay 100mS
  goto d0
Delay50  movlw d'50'   ;delay 50mS
  goto d0
Delay20  movlw d'20'   ;delay 20mS
  goto d0
Delay5  movlw 0x05   ;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0  movwf count1
d1  movlw 0xC7   ;delay 1mS
  movwf counta
  movlw 0x01
  movwf countb
  decfsz counta, f
  goto $+2
  decfsz countb, f
  goto Delay_0
  decfsz count1 ,f
  goto d1
  retlw 0x00
Pulse_e  bsf LCD_PORT, LCD_E
  retlw 0x00
  bsf STATUS, RP0  ;set bank 1
  movlw 0x0f   ;set Port for input
  movwf LCD_TRIS
  bcf STATUS, RP0  ;set bank 0
  bcf LCD_PORT, LCD_RS ;set LCD for command mode
  bsf LCD_PORT, LCD_RW ;setup to read busy flag
  swapf LCD_PORT, w  ;read upper nibble (busy flag)
  bcf LCD_PORT, LCD_E  
  movwf templcd2 
  bsf LCD_PORT, LCD_E  ;dummy read of lower nibble
  btfsc templcd2, 7  ;check busy flag, high = busy
  goto LCD_Busy  ;if busy check again
  bsf STATUS, RP0  ;set bank 1
  movlw 0x00   ;set Port for output
  movwf LCD_TRIS
  bcf STATUS, RP0  ;set bank 0
;end of LCD routines
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Here a start for the key pad it not done need to add what the Keys going to do when pressed
LIST p=16F628a  
 include "" 
 ERRORLEVEL 0, -302 ;suppress bank selection messages
 __config 0x3D18
  cblock 0x20   ;start of general purpose registers
   count   ;used in looping routines
   count1   ;used in delay routine
   counta   ;used in delay routine
   countb   ;used in delay routine
   tmp1   ;temporary storage
   key   ;which key was pressed
   rows   ;counter for number of rows
   code1   ;registers for secret code
   key1   ;registers for keyed attempts

KEY_PORT Equ PORTB   ;keypad port
Col1  Equ 0   ;pins used for keypad inputs
Col2  Equ 1
Col3  Equ 2
Col4  Equ 3
  org 0x0000
  goto Start
Key_Table   ADDWF   PCL       , f ;translation table for keypad
             RETLW   0x31 ;1
             RETLW   0x34 ;4
             RETLW   0x37 ;7
             RETLW   0x2a ;*
             RETLW   0x32 ;2
             RETLW   0x35 ;5
             RETLW   0x38 ;8
             RETLW   0x30 ;0
             RETLW   0x33 ;3
             RETLW   0x36 ;6
             RETLW   0x39 ;9
             RETLW   0x23 ;#
             RETLW   0x43 ;C
             RETLW   0x44 ;D
             RETLW   0x45 ;E
             RETLW   0x46 ;F


Start  movlw 0x07
  movwf CMCON   ;turn comparators off (make it like a 16F84)
Initialise movlw '0'   ;set 4 digit secret code
  movwf code1
  movlw '0'
  movwf code2
  movlw '0'
  movwf code3
  movlw '0'
  movwf code4
SetPorts bsf  STATUS,  RP0 ;select bank 1
  movlw 0x0F   ;set keypad pins
  movwf KEY_TRIS  ;half in, half out
  movwf TRISB
  bcf  STATUS,  RP0 ;select bank 0

;Keypad subroutines
Chk_Keys movlw 0x00   ;wait until no key pressed
  movwf KEY_PORT  ;set all output pins low
  movf KEY_PORT, W
  andlw 0x0F   ;mask off high byte
  sublw 0x0F
  btfsc STATUS, Z  ;test if any key pressed
  goto Keys   ;if none, read keys
  call Delay20
  goto Chk_Keys  ;else try again
Keys    call    Scan_Keys
             movlw   0x10   ;check for no key pressed
             subwf   key, w
             btfss   STATUS, Z
             goto    Key_Found
  call Delay20
  goto Keys
Key_Found       movf    key, w
  andlw 0x0f
  call Key_Table  ;lookup key in table 
  movwf key   ;save back in key
  return    ;key pressed now in W
Scan_Keys   clrf    key
  movlw 0xF0   ;set all output lines high
             movwf   KEY_PORT
             movlw   0x04
             movwf   rows   ;set number of rows
             bcf     STATUS, C  ;put a 0 into carry
Scan    rrf     KEY_PORT, f
             bsf     STATUS, C  ;follow the zero with ones
             incf    key, f
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col3
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col2
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             btfss   KEY_PORT, Col1
             goto    Press
             incf    key, f
             decfsz  rows, f
             goto    Scan
;end of keypad subroutines.
Press   	 return
Delay255 	movlw 0xff   ;delay 255 mS
  			goto d0
Delay100	movlw d'100'   ;delay 100mS
  			goto d0
Delay50  	movlw d'50'   ;delay 50mS
  			goto d0
Delay20  	movlw d'20'   ;delay 20mS
  			goto d0
Delay5  	movlw 0x05   ;delay 5.000 ms (4 MHz clock)
d0  		movwf count1
d1  		movlw 0xC7   ;delay 1mS
  			movwf counta
  			movlw 0x01
  			movwf countb
  			decfsz counta, f
  			goto $+2
  			decfsz countb, f
  			goto Delay_0
  			decfsz count1 ,f
 			goto d1
  			retlw 0x00

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allllright im going to try to play with it. Do I add what the Keys are going to do when pressed with the keypad subroutine?
That would be a start even if it don't work it will help to see what you want to do pressing “2” Increasing brightness pressing 8 decreasing brightness
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Also do I need this part of the code since the telephone keypad has no letter buttons
RETLW   0x43 ;C
RETLW   0x44 ;D
RETLW   0x45 ;E
RETLW   0x46 ;F

Can I remove that?
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Firstly you have create a sub-routine called Keyscan that looks at all the keys and if it finds a ket, the key value is placed in a file such as 22h and a flag is set that says a key has been pressed. This flag is looked at the beginning of the scan routine. The next time the scan routine is run (only a few milliseconds later) it is looking for NO KEY pressed.
This is called debounce.
No resistors are needed on the keypad, just turn on the internal 47k pull-up resistors.

Then create an answer for the keyboard. You can simply increment a register (50 bytes of program at least) while you are scanning or do some fancy Boolean work (about 11 bytes of program).
I prefer to do simple things as I am a teacher and students will get completely lost unless it is absolutely understandable. Output a register that has been incremented and this will identify each key.
That's the KeyScan finished. More needed later.
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Wouldn't that be this part
;Keypad subroutines
Chk_Keys movlw 0x00   ;wait until no key pressed
  movwf KEY_PORT  ;set all output pins low
  movf KEY_PORT, W
  andlw 0x0F   ;mask off high byte
  sublw 0x0F
  btfsc STATUS, Z  ;test if any key pressed
  goto Keys   ;if none, read keys
  call Delay20
  goto Chk_Keys  ;else try again
Keys    call    Scan_Keys
             movlw   0x10   ;check for no key pressed
             subwf   key, w
             btfss   STATUS, Z
             goto    Key_Found
  call Delay20
  goto Keys
Producing vague code like that above is all "very well". But you need to have the cirucit diagram with the pins identified and the registers allocated, to be able to produce real instructions. You don't really need any delays as the "flags" create the debounce.
The sub-routine must be called on a regular basis and take up no time. You must also work out how you are going to generate a key value. Obviously input a byte and check three of four bits for a value. After each bit is checked, a register is incremented.

I can't do any more until the circuit is generated.
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colins55 You have a good website I liked all the circuit's you have on it
Put some pullups on a keyboard row. Keeps you from shorting outputs when you're scanning and someone presses more than one button at a time.
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blueroomelectronics - Smart Kits Build Smart People
Now I know Bill and and I know you can short the output when scanning more them 1 button at a time . It is to easy to turn off a pullups. So she will stay as is.
How does a short occur when you are scanning? You must be scanning incorrectly.
All that happens when 2 keys are pressed is this: The program picks up the first key in the sequence.
Are you having a bad day or what. You just said don't use pullups. Set the pins to use
internal 47k pull-up resistors
Then you say
I am a teacher and students will get completely lost unless it is absolutely understandable
now it is a lot easier to use a pullups then to turn it on internally.
I posted the wrong 1 here the right 1 I didn't put pullups in it at first and when I posted it here what you need to go with but I still need to added 1 more row of keys.


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