Bottle filling machine

hello every body!!!

I am working on a project of Automatic bottle machine.
instead of using expensive Peristaltic tube pump or other, I took an old diaphragm pump from scrap, repaired it.

now I want to controlled the number of turns of pump to controlled volume of liquid delivered. for this purpose I hooked KY-024 KY024 Linear magnetic Hall Effect Sensor with motor.
the problem is that i can not get codes related to this.

please give a sample of codes...
thanks in advance
the problem is that i can not get codes related to this.

Sorry, by that makes no sense? What "Codes" do you mean? You have a hall effect switch module.

(And please stop the immediate Quote-your-own-question then Thanks in advance stuff.. If you want to add that, add it to the original post?? )
What is the volume of the bottle fill?
How accurately do you need to control the fill volume?
What is the fill rate?
The digital output acts as a switch that will turn on/off when a magnet pulse is near. The 10T pot adjusts the threshold of the comparator for digital output. The analog output can measure the polarity and relative strength of the magnetic field. What have you measured so far?
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Diaphragm pumps are not always rotary. They can be bistable linear action. This should be easy to count pulses and measure accuracy and aging effects. How will you measure faults?
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