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Bedroom Sound System

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New Member
Hello everyone.
I have a xbox and am palnning to get a Digital Cable box in my room and currently I sport a nice 19" Samsung TV but the thing only has like one speaker which totaly sucks when playing my Xbox.Anyway, Instead of buying some kinds of surround sound system I wanted to basicly build a sound hadler system supporting 3 speakers (left, right, center/sub), direct volume control, VU sterio meter and maybe equilizing abilities. Anyway, to amplify the incomming signals I originaly planned to use the Philips TDA1554 AMP chip, but thats like only 22 Watts and I would not mind atleast 50, what I wanted to know is of a good amplifier chip to do this, but the catch is that i need to be able to buy the chip in very low amounts, such as 1 or 2.

Goto **broken link removed** for some of the coolest amplifier designs.
Try using TDA1514A from Philips. 48 Watts @ 8 ohm.
Or, if you want a one-chip solution, you could try TDA7560. It's a car radio amplifier, 4 x 50W @ 4 ohm.

I once built a stereo amplifier for my friend --> 2 x 120 Watts using two TDA7293 ICs; a real monster :wink:
lots of thanks but I've still gotta find a somewhere to buy em!

Philips usualy has links at the bottom of the product description page(s) but allot of the companies are sold out.
no i got it, anyway I changed to this one, with anthor supplier which may be easier to work with:


**broken link removed**
Hello Everyone, I have a bit of a problem here.
You see, I am tring to build a Amplifier for my room so I can get better sound out of my things such as my Xbox & Cable Box, Anyway I need a parts list I made up verified to work with the sample schematic provided by STMicroelectronics for the AMP chip i am using, which is the TDA7265 25W STEREO AMP. The sample schematic for a sterio amp setup can be found in the Datasheet which can be found here:
**broken link removed**

Now the problem which brings this up is the fact I don't have much experiance with picking out capacitiators, resistors & such things, so I am asking you for your help. Below is the parts list which I have assembled, please tell me what you think, thank you. I have put it in 'code' format to retain the original structure.

Part Name      | Part Number     | Price & Qty| Part # in Schematic & Notes
Black RCA Jack | Jameco #185842  | $0.12 x 10 | Audio Input
25W Stereo AMP | Arrow #TDA7265  | $4.75 x 1  | Overall Amp Chip
10k Carbon Res | Newark #84N2583 | $0.18 x 3  | R1
15k Film Res   | Newark #84N1584 | $0.07 x 5  | R2, R4
18k Film Res   | Newark #84N1592 | $0.03 x 6  | R3, R5, R8
560 Coat. Res  | Newark #02F2609 | $1.06 x 4  | R6, R9
4.7 Carb. Res. | Newark #84N2432 | $0.06 x 4  | R7, R10
1uf 25v Cap.   | Newark #36C7091 | $0.54 x 6  | C1, C2, C3
1000uf 25v Cap.| Newark #36C7097 | $1.34 x 4  | C4, C6
0.1uf 50v Cap. | Newakr #39C1394 | $0.30 x 8  | C5, C7, C8, C9

Newark =
Jameco =
Arrow =

Thanks in Advance!
Hi Paprika.

You don't have to worry about the resistors. Use 1/4W carbon resistors.
For the capacitors, you should buy ones whose operating voltage is 50% larger than the supply volatage (i.e. supply of 25V --> capacitor of 50V). Use polyester caps for 0.1uF, and as for those of 1000uF, I would suggest that you use bigger ones (>2200uF), since their function is to filter current spikes from the supply.

Hope this was helpful.
Let me know how it works :wink:
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