The threshold voltage is NOT a useful 'turn on' point. It is the point when the MOSFET begins to leak. (for lack of a better word). Although 3.3V will cause substantial current to flow in an IFR510 and similar devices, it's not turned on enough to be used near its current ratiing.
To be used near its current rating, the older MOSFETs like IRF510, 740, etc. needed more like 7V (we usually used 10V to be safe). Some newer "logic level" devices which cost more are useful with 5V on the gate.
To be used near its current rating, the older MOSFETs like IRF510, 740, etc. needed more like 7V (we usually used 10V to be safe). Some newer "logic level" devices which cost more are useful with 5V on the gate.