Additional symbols

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You will be happy to know that I have managed to add some of these symbols into the advanced editor. i will be adding more and trying to get it to show up in the quick reply.
Hi all,

Symbols have now been *updated* for new threads and replies. To see them when repling you must use the full/advanced editor.

I hope that helps!
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µ Ω ± ÷ Π φ × Δ Λ § Γ ≤ ≥ Σ Φ Ψ χ τ γ ∑ θ ξ ρ σω ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾ π √ ∞ ≈ ≠ ≡ Ξ

Very nice! Thanks a whole bunch.

Does anyone know what χ and γ could be used for? They seem to be subscripted.
I can't get this to work under Opera, it works under Firefox and I don't know about IE.

I click on µ and I get µ, I click on Ω and I get Ω.

I can get round this by manually copying and pasting and I've been useing Opera notes to insert symbols for ages but this would be convenient for me if it worked.

Also a ° symbol (I've added this to my Opera notes) would also be much more useful than a space with can be inserted with the keyboard.

This is fantastic. Simply great
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