New Member
I am building a circuit containing a digital reciever 12VDC (make: Sentry 3CH RX). This reciever must drive a independant relay which controls a 110VAC motor inturn this motor controls a light which moves up and down. Two of the reciever's channels is the control for the up-down function, now the problem is that I cannot get the relay to stay on for a shorter time. By that I meen that the reciever would send a pulse of 1 second to the relay, the relay would switch and the motor would move, but I dont want the motor to move for 1 second I want it to move for exactly the time I press the transmitter's button. Is there any way of controling this relay by the use of a IC or some other method and getting it to cut the time by atleast 2/3 rds :?: [/list]