I'd like to build a simple beacon, say one tha transmits a simple 'Beep, Beep' signal, i would like it to be quite powerfu, lets say it could be detected in a 400 meter radius, the other thing is I would like it to broadcast at about 35Mhz, for this project I wanted to build something a little bit different, I have no experience in building more powerful transmitters at this frequency, could someone please provide me with an appropriate design please.
Thanks SlicRic
I'd like to build a simple beacon, say one tha transmits a simple 'Beep, Beep' signal, i would like it to be quite powerfu, lets say it could be detected in a 400 meter radius, the other thing is I would like it to broadcast at about 35Mhz, for this project I wanted to build something a little bit different, I have no experience in building more powerful transmitters at this frequency, could someone please provide me with an appropriate design please.
Thanks SlicRic