Hi following is the routine i found at net for 4x4 matrix keypad in C.
Matrix Keypad interfacing with Microcontroller AVR tutorial: AVR Programming : 8051 Microcontroller Projects AVR PIC Projects Tutorials Ebooks Libraries codes
can i use this to display digits using the keypad inputs or do i need any keypad numabers matrix to be assigned?. If yes, Can sombody reply me the simple main code[while(1)] to monitor the key lets say if 5 is pressed then make P1 as high or something like that?.
I have few C codes for Code Lock but it is mingle with LCD concepts also, so i am getting confused to catch the keypad concept alone.
So, I just want to display digit 5 using keypad.
Guide me simple example. This is for learning purpose only.
Thanks in advance.
Matrix Keypad interfacing with Microcontroller AVR tutorial: AVR Programming : 8051 Microcontroller Projects AVR PIC Projects Tutorials Ebooks Libraries codes
can i use this to display digits using the keypad inputs or do i need any keypad numabers matrix to be assigned?. If yes, Can sombody reply me the simple main code[while(1)] to monitor the key lets say if 5 is pressed then make P1 as high or something like that?.
I have few C codes for Code Lock but it is mingle with LCD concepts also, so i am getting confused to catch the keypad concept alone.
So, I just want to display digit 5 using keypad.
Guide me simple example. This is for learning purpose only.
Thanks in advance.