16f628 problem

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And Why does the code
   list      p=16F628A            ; list directive to define processor
    #include <P16F628A.inc>      
   errorlevel  -302 , -207    

       __config _CP_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _WDT_OFF &           _INTOSC_OSC_NOCLKOUT & _MCLRE_OFF & _PWRTE_ON   & _BOREN_OFF 

   Var equ 0x20
   movlw 0x10
   movwf Var

    movlw 007
    movwf CMCON

   movlw 0x00
   movwf TRISA
   movwf TRISB
   movlw 0b00111101
   movwf T1CON
   clrf PORTB

   Start comf PORTB, 1
   call Delay
   goto Start

   Delay Movfw TMR1H
   sublw 0xFF
   btfss STATUS, Z
   goto Delay
   clrf TMR1H
   decfsz Var
   goto Delay
   movlw 0x10
   movwf Var
   retlw 0



give Such waveform?


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and what about the microcontroller? I programmed after trying 10 times and can't program now again and what's the problem in? how to solve it?
So is it corrupt? Do I have to build the new one? it just consists of capacitors, resistors ad 2 transistors and what can be damaged? it programmed well for 2 days and on third day can't program them
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So is it corrupt? Do I have to build the new one? it just consists of capacitors, resistors ad 2 transistors and what can be damaged? it programmed well for 2 days and on third day can't program them

The problems with the JDM is that the Vpp voltage depends upon the PC or Laptops RS232 voltage levels, these levels are sometimes too low to program the PIC correctly.
And how to solve it? restart PC? can't somehow I increace it? and why has it decreaced? I don't understand
And how to solve it? restart PC? can't somehow I increace it? and why has it decreaced? I don't understand

It needs a good power supply to provide +5V and the +13V.

extract from the designer notes:
have to carry your MCU each time when you reprogram it. The circuit is connected to the PC via serial port and no external power supply is needed. On the other hand, if you want to use it with a laptop that do not provide RS232 connection, using the circuit with a USB to RS232 converter may not give a proper result
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be80be I don't understand can you explain more simply? before today, supply was enough and what happened today? restarting won't help? or what can I do?
Try to blank the chip your configure didn't come out like you had it and I not sure you can fix it with a JDM

The var part you have made the configure write wrong

But blank the chip first and see if you can read it back

list      p=16F628A            ; list directive to define processor
    #include <P16F628A.inc>      
   errorlevel  -302 , -207    
   cblock	0x20			;start of general purpose registers
  ; Var equ 0x20    this isn't right your can't use the word var
   ;movlw 0x10
   ;movwf Var
   org	0x0000			;org sets the origin, 0x0000 for the 16F628,

    movlw 007
    movwf CMCON

   movlw 0x00
   movwf TRISA
   movwf TRISB
   movlw 0b00111101
   movwf T1CON
   clrf PORTB

   Start comf PORTB, 1
   call Delay
   goto Start

   Delay Movfw TMR1H
   sublw 0xFF
   btfss STATUS, Z
   goto Delay
   clrf TMR1H
   decfsz  counter
   goto Delay
   movlw 0x10
   movwf  counter
   retlw 0


I change it But i didn't fix your delay just added where var go
sorry but I didn't understand well. what does it mean to blank the chip? and also, this hapened because of wrong __config? or what? I inserted the new 16f628 and it didn't work either. please write with more simple english more gramatically because I don't know much

You should try to ERASE [blank] the flash memory in the PIC, then try to program it with your program code.

If you have a voltmeter measure the Vpgm voltage on the /MCLR pin of the PIC while programming the PIC, tell me what you measure.
It was 11.06 volts and it programmed succesfully! but sometimes It did, when it stucks again, I will check the voltage and post again
It was 11.06 volts and it programmed succesfully! but sometimes It did, when it stucks again, I will check the voltage and post again

If its typically 11V its not high enough, check the datasheet for the recommended Vpp on /MCLR.
Being approx 11V its going to give unpredictable programming of the PIC.

Like I said yesterday, the JDM has a poor reputation, mainly because of the use of the RS232 port pins to supply +13Vpp.

Added programming specification.


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This is all I know the code you posted was setting the configure fuse wrong. It's not what is should be going by what you have in your code.

It set it to a RC oscillator not internal
This is what it did RC oscillator: CLKOUT function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, Resistor and Capacitor on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN

This is what it should be INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on RA7/OSC1/CLKIN

But it also put it in the wrong place.

You should use( cblock) for variables not (var)

It's( variable name) that can be used

But cblock is better way to do that

What is your native language?
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Did you make your jdm yourself ? you can boost Vpp with a wall power supply and two transistors like this


  • Vpp_booster.PNG
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