Hello Pommie, @
Thought I had completed this project. Was ready to install at closet and a puff of smoke came off it and it stopped working
Have posted on this project thrice:
Transistor for 12 Volt circuit May 26 2021
12 Volt PIR to Timer June 24 2021
KSS said it will blow
12 Volt PIR to Timer 210705
This the latest
Not sure what blew. By the time I could get the power turned off it was hard tell visually which component fried but it seemed like Q2 was warmer than anything else.
Thought I had solved the hyper current issue. First a signal transistor, a BC547 was used at Q2. It got hot and so the BC547 for Q2 was replaced with a AUIRF540Z.
Did not seem to have heat problem with Q2. The data sheet, attached, indicates (I think) that the transistor is good to 36 amps.
So trying to figure out
1. Why the circuit smoked?
2. If the problem is Q2, the AUIRF540Z, why it overheated?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Allen Pitts, Dallas Texas
rjenkinsgb @Report
and the ETO forum,Thought I had completed this project. Was ready to install at closet and a puff of smoke came off it and it stopped working
Have posted on this project thrice:
Transistor for 12 Volt circuit May 26 2021
Transistor for 12 Volt circuit
Hello ETO forum, Working on circuit that uses a PIR (motion detector) to initiate a 555 timer to turn on 12 volt LEDs for a couple of minutes. R2 was changed to 100k resistor because 10k kept the LEDs on for about 6 seconds and 100k is closer to minute. (How long do you usually spend in a...
12 Volt PIR to Timer June 24 2021
KSS said it will blow
12 Volt PIR to Timer 210705
This the latest
Not sure what blew. By the time I could get the power turned off it was hard tell visually which component fried but it seemed like Q2 was warmer than anything else.
Thought I had solved the hyper current issue. First a signal transistor, a BC547 was used at Q2. It got hot and so the BC547 for Q2 was replaced with a AUIRF540Z.
Did not seem to have heat problem with Q2. The data sheet, attached, indicates (I think) that the transistor is good to 36 amps.
So trying to figure out
1. Why the circuit smoked?
2. If the problem is Q2, the AUIRF540Z, why it overheated?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Allen Pitts, Dallas Texas