1 Day Contest, Name this Kit and win the PCB (Ends Sept 10 2008)

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Well-Known Member
The Artwork for our next kit (a joint effort between blueroomelectronics & G. Mcleod)
The kits working name is IRBridgeX but if you can come up with the winning name (as chosen by myself & G. Mcleod) before September 10th 2008 we'll mail you the kit PCB free of charge (as soon as it's back from the PCB production house).
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Early (Incomplete sketch) of the kit that need a name
The kit is designed as IR In/Out to RS232/RS485 bridge, it can be built with several modifications possible. See the schematic below for more details.
Feel free to ask questions.
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Final Schematic
I don't fully understand the purpose of this board but it looks like it can,
Switch relays on/off with an IR remote,
Control a computer with an IR remote,
Relay IR signals,
Have a computer control an IR device (timed record etc),

If so, then something like EasyIR would make more sense to me.

The circuit was designed to control projectors, curtains, that sort of thing. IR, SIRCs, (the opto is a dual relay coil sensor / switch input)
You can set the jumper block for different applications depending on requirements. Some possible options are.

  • RS232 with handshaking
  • Dual RS232
  • RS485
  • IR In
  • IR Out (IR blaster)
  • SIRCs I/O
  • LANC
  • Relay coil or Switch inputs
Similar devices might be the $154 Applied Digital Ocelot
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Dang. Firefly is taken. Glowworm?

If the insect naming convention is out the window, all I've got right now is CommandIR.


Polyglot has a lot of meaning depending on the context. In most cases it means a person or thing is multi-lingual. This device communicates via multiple channels. It fits.

Polyglot Pro

hi Bill,
If thats the actual Ocelot metallic enclosure, is it possible the IR ports are going to be obscured by the cables
to the 9Wdee and terminal block.?

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hi Bill,
If thats the actual Ocelot metallic enclosure, is it possible the IR ports are going to be obscured by the cables
to the 9Wdee and terminal block.?


Morning Eric!

I don't think that the Ocelot picture shows the intended final enclosure. I had the same concern about the location of the direct IR sensor on the Ocelot.

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Morning Eric!

I don't think that the Ocelot picture shows the intended final enclosure. I had the same concern about the location of the direct IR sensor on the Ocelot.


If you think about where the Ocelot would be mounted/located in a home environment, IMO the connectors are poorly laid out.

The cables would have to be dangling towards you in order that the IR's could see/be seen by the remote controller.
Image that on top of your TV set or side table.

I would position the connectors at the 'back' edge of the enclosure with the IR's on the front edge.
At least the cable assembly would be out of sight.

Thinking about Bill's product naming [ with you in mind ]
Catmint, Catnap, Catspaw, Catnip....etc..
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That's pretty much what I was thinking. I like Bill's layout: decisions like that are left to the designer of the enclosure.

Thinking about Bill's product naming [ with you in mind ]
Catmint, Catnap, Catspaw, Catnip....etc..

Weird. "Catnip" is what I call the custom CMS I wrote for various local websites.

That's pretty much what I was thinking. I like Bill's layout: decisions like that are left to the designer of the enclosure.

Weird. "Catnip" is what I call the custom CMS I wrote for various local websites.


That sounds 'furry enough' to me.

I was thinking that Bill's pcb layout would 'fix' the position on the enclosure apertures.?
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