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Chuck Norris Facts

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Frosty_47 said:
Kadochnikov's Systema (System) is truly brutal. It is the only system to date that focuses on true fighting. Systema is not a sport and does not compete in the world of "Martial Arts". The main goal of Systema is to teach you to survive in the most unexpected and highly inconvenient situations. Unlike Martial Arts, Systema is based on Mechanics and Physics. Enough said, visit the link below if you want to learn more bout Kadochnikov's Systema.

**broken link removed**

Lol that kicks ass! That 60+ yr old guy was really beatin on those guys. Looks pretty cool :)
Sory I forgot to mention that Systema is in fact based on Ju Jitsu. A lot of similarities are within the two. Oh and Systema teaches you to use objects around you for defense. Anything from credit cards, keys, furniture, to the use of knife and firearms.

I would sure love to see someone get owned by a credit card XD
Can you study this system. Is it only available in Russia?
Nigel Goodwin said:
I would also suggest that neither 'focus on true fighting', they are both about winning, and with the least amount of effort needed - :p

Thats what I meant by "true fighting". Any fighting taking place outside of "survival" is not fighting but a mere show..
killivolt said:
Can you study this system. Is it only available in Russia?

Yes you can. It became available through-out the world in the last decade. However don't expect Kadochnikov himself to give you lessons :p

Visit this link:

P.S. The Systema schooling offered outside of Kadochnikov's school is not 100% based on his work but combines varies fighting techniques from various sources...
Oh and no they will not teach you Kadochnikov's psycological seecrets (not all of the Spetznaz special forces instructors in Russia get to learn them...).
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I attended a few classes of Systema in Toronto but didn't like it 2 much as it seemed to be missing a very important part of Kadochnikov's training. That is psychological training...

Oh, and this is wut 2 expect in class:
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Frosty_47 said:
I would sure love to see someone get owned by a credit card XD
My credit card company owns me. Does that count?:D
Just kidding, but I couldn't pass up such a dumb joke.:eek:
Frosty_47 said:
Oh, and this is wut 2 expect in class

That was to funny, the guy that stepped over onto the groin of one another guy the line. (Made it look like an accident I think ?) It was fast and he didn't do it to anyone else. haahahah :p

I'm guessing the other guy did it to him first > :D
Frosty_47 said:
Sory I forgot to mention that Systema is in fact based on Ju Jitsu. A lot of similarities are within the two. Oh and Systema teaches you to use objects around you for defense. Anything from credit cards, keys, furniture, to the use of knife and firearms.

Yes, we teach the same - a lady who attended one of our 'ladies self defence courses' was attacked, and (as we'd taught her) she had her keys in her hand, with the points protruding through her fingers. She hit her attacker in the face, ripping through his cheek into his mouth :D the police caught him later in Hospital, trying to get his face sewn back together :p
Nigel Goodwin said:
Yes, we teach the same - a lady who attended one of our 'ladies self defence courses' was attacked, and (as we'd taught her) she had her keys in her hand, with the points protruding through her fingers. She hit her attacker in the face, ripping through his cheek into his mouth :D the police caught him later in Hospital, trying to get his face sewn back together :p

hehaw jackass that'll teach'em. Now if she had the time to pull out a 38 and blow him away :p ................ No rehab for (The sex offending *******.) :D

My apology to any who are offended at my lack of compassion. :mad:
Shoot em ask questions later ?

I can just see it now. ............. Ma-am could you please tell the Court why you shot him six times after you clawed his face off ?

Lady: he died before I could reload. :D

Edit: why you shot him there............ six times!
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Frosty_47 said:
Sory I forgot to mention that Systema is in fact based on Ju Jitsu. A lot of similarities are within the two. Oh and Systema teaches you to use objects around you for defense. Anything from credit cards, keys, furniture, to the use of knife and firearms.

pepper spray works wel for me aswel as keys

the thing with pepper spray is that you have to consider the breeze factor

but the best defence is comon sence and avoid the situation in the first place

the nices thing on the systema art is that legaly it's much easyer to defent in court as self defense (especialy if you forget to tell that you're trained in it) It whas just a reaction on the tread that came up to me:D

i ve seen several court cases that the thief (and laywer) sued the victim for injuries to the thief while the victem whas defending himself

Fair??? i don't think so but reality

rjvh said:
i ve seen several court cases that the thief (and laywer) sued the victim for injuries to the thief while the victem whas defending himself

I just goes to show that if you are going to "disable" the attacker, make sure to do a thorough job.
Bob Scott said:
I just goes to show that if you are going to "disable" the attacker, make sure to do a thorough job.

We simply teach:

Put them down, make sure they stay down, leave without calling the Police - ring your mates and agree where you were all playing cards together! :p

A little true story you might like?.

My nieces husband (Dave) was getting cash out of the cash machine at the bank one evening, he turned round and these two thugs told him to give them the money. He said "pardon?", and they repeated the demand - he refused, and one of them went to him him, so he hit him back first, and they ran off.

Dave went to the Police station where they determined he hadn't actually been hit, and they told him if the muggers reported the incident Dave would be arrested and charged with assault!.
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killivolt said:
Actually that is in fact what Wing chun was designed to do instead of animal movements it is more based on the way the human body moves. In addition the angles are also shortest distance to contact anything beyond that is waisted energy. All movements are designed as an attack it is both offensive as well as defensive. They say it is the old man style of fighting. You don't have to be young to use it. Spin kicks Etc. Not needed.

Wing Chun style was invented by a nun in China long time ago. She passed the art onto her top student, who was also a female, called Yim Wing Chun. Hence the name Wing Chun.
Yeah, you don't have to be big and tall to use this art.
Nigel Goodwin said:
We simply teach:

Dave went to the Police station where they determined he hadn't actually been hit, and they told him if the muggers reported the incident Dave would be arrested and charged with assault!.

You hear this sort of things all the time. It's very annoying. The law is supporting the criminals.
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