which browser are you using?

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I'm glad you've found it to be better than IE. I do still encourage you to try Chrome, though. It also has many add-ons that "make surfing better". I encourage anyone to try a wide variety of browsers before landing on a final choice. Just makes the user better-educated
I use Firefox and if asked me as to what browser to use I would probably be saying to use Firefox browser, it provides the user with good speed and even there are some add ons available on the firefox store for almost every work to get performed in an easy way.

I don't think you're understanding my posts

I know you've tried IE and FF, and of course FF is better by a long shot. But from what I've gathered, you've only tried two browsers. I'm asking if you have or could try Chrome, so that you know what it's like before judging. Opera is another good one to test. Obviously you don't have to, but I am just encouraging anyone who participates in this thread to try a wide variety of browsers before choosing what their favorite is. Otherwise, they're just uneducated responses.

That's my 2¢
Dear DerStorm,
I use FF and Chrome for my work related tasks and to tell you, after using chrome I still prefer using FF more because of the reason I find more work friendly apps and extensions on FF than I found on Chrome, Thanks for your expert suggestion.
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Then you have made an educated decision, and I applaud you for it
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Well than Dear DerStrom,
Finally Understood the reason for posting the thread,
And anyways thanks again for expert advice.
Thanks for your appraisal as well.

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