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What the "JK" means in "J-k flip-flop"

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Ok ok.... I hope No one thought of this yet... Here it goes

The 'JK" in "J-k Flip Flop" Stands for "JOHN KERRY!"

hahaha another Anti-Kerry Ad

Please comment :)
Yes, I suppose there've been some flip flops involved there. Cute. Actually, in the digital curriculum I wrote 15 years ago, I answered that question with nearly as silly an answer but can't recall it. It was something on the order of Jorganheister-Kleinmienst in honor of the two who designed the thing and couldn't figure out what to call it. Pure hogwash, of course.

Hahaha, thats great. I wish i could tell my non-EE friends but I dont think they would get it...
Yea, this joke has been going around some of my classes... I think it's something any EE that see's a JK flip flop picks up on
is that to do with his "flip flop" stance on the war in Iraq?

As long as no-one votes for that idiot Bush, i'm happy!

GWB: 'Don't dis-misunderstand my, er, my mindset...' :? :wink:
I'll bet when you were younger, you were one of those kids that made fun of the other kids that had speech problems.
So what if he has a little trouble speaking, atleast he stands by his values and doesnt change his mind as often as he changes his underwear.
Ich bin einer Berliner ?

jrz126 said:
... doesnt change his mind as often as he changes his underwear.
Maybe he would if he had a mind!

Not to worry, he keeps a great tradition alive :roll:
jrz126 said:
I'll bet when you were younger, you were one of those kids that made fun of the other kids that had speech problems.
So what if he has a little trouble speaking, atleast he stands by his values and doesnt change his mind as often as he changes his underwear.

he doesnt have a speach problem it just his mouth is not connected to his brain
And you gentlemen would prefer a mindless flip-flopper who sways with every political breeze over George Bush? Your asses are on the line with terrorism in Europe as well as ours in the US.

A little respect for your allies leadership may be in order, and if you think we want a president who is going to pander to the UN you should think again. I like having a president who puts the US first, even ahead of his own political career. The UK has the same type of honorable leader, although I doubt you see that if you're so willing to make such ridiculous comments.
I think the fact that Bush is talking about respecting our allies is a joke after the way he handled begining the Iraq war. The Bush administration openly mocked our decades old NATO allies France and Germany with all the "old Europe" comments. Who's flip-flopping?

I think people overlook the fact that we need allies, not for military reasons (we spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined), but because we need their cooperation with our intelegence and police work to track down actual terrorists.

We do need to project military force to end state sponsored terrorism. However, Iraq, as we now know, was unable to develop wepons of mass destruction with the sanctions and inspectors. The Bush administration did a great job forcing the inspectors on Saddam again but by starting the Iraq war we weakend our ability to threaten military force on truly dangerous regimes like North Korea, which actually has nuclear weapons and the crazieast leader around, and Iran, which has active nuclear reactors which are as we speak producing (or are at least capable of producing) weapons grade materials. Both these countries know that we are over extended in Iraq and Afganistan and are incapable of any military action against them.

Furthermore by destabilizing Iraq, who we know wasn't actively supporting terrorists, the Bush administration created a haven for terrorists who now have a very convenient place to capture and kill American Citizens and soldiers as well as those of our allies. He now accuses Kerry of flip flopping on the Iraq war when Kerry is just saying that Iraq, while a threat, didn't need to be delt with with military force, but now IS a terrorist threat because of the actions of the bush administration.

Before I get off my soap box I'd like to mention a quote from Mark Twain:

"A Patriot supports his country always, and his government when it deserves it."

This governmernt is bad for the US and doesn't deserve our support.

whew. I appologise to every one whe justs wants to read about engineering on this board but I had to rebutt the other comments on the board.

At least we know what bush is going to do... he's going to take over oil rich middle eastern countries, mess up his speeches, and look like a monkey while doing it all.

verses kerry who we have no idea what he stands behind or what he stands for... he might decide one day to nuke china for all we know.

So... who to vote for? Is nader still running?
While on the subject of political jokes several answers came up on the origin of the lump on Bush's back
1. John howard is that far up Bush's ****
2. Bush is actually an alien
and the most original and probably the thruth
3. Bush is actually a monkey as shown all over the net.
ok all this started as a fun little joke. Everyone takes the piss out of everyone (one thing us brits are very good at).

But this has gone from harmless fun to a political rant.

bmcculla you cannot deny that Bush's forign policy has made the world a very dangerous place
While I don't think Bush is a monkey, I'm pretty sure the people behind him have most of the brains. But he's got my vote over the flip-flopper anyday.

As for France and Germany being allies, come on, you can't really believe they would do anything to help us. They both sold weapons to Iraq in violation of the UN sanctions. If it wasn't for France promising to use it's veto power to protect Saddam from an invasion we would have had succesful inspections and would not have needed to go to war.
US "sold" WMD to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, The also sold other weopons during the Iran-Iraq war when Iraq was in favour with the US

That aguement does not stand
Styx said:
bmcculla you cannot deny that Bush's forign policy has made the world a very dangerous place
Who is to say that it wasn't dangerous before Bush took over?
We took the fight to the terrorists, now instead of trying to come over here they all flock to iraq and our Marines can pop em off.

bmcculla said:
Both these countries know that we are over extended in Iraq and Afganistan and are incapable of any military action against them.

I don't think we are over extended, and there is NO way we are uncapable of carrying out action against other countrys. You may think that because the government wants to get the job done over there with as few troops as nessesary. I'm sure there are plenty of reserves to call up if needed, and if need be, they can always reinstitute the draft.
We may have sold them those weapons styx, but not in violation of UN sanctions and certainly not to use against someone we claim is an ally.
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