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What the "JK" means in "J-k flip-flop"

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John Edwards made quite a statement during the last debate!! Now Kerry can raise people from the dead and make them walk!! Wow!! He promised that if Kerry was elected he would 'make people like Christopher Reeves walk again' Hmmm thats quite a statement since Chris Reeves is no longer with us. Do you really want someone like that for a president? I'm not even old enough to vote and I can see that he's an ass. :roll: Peace my friends and no hard feelings. Everone has their own opinion.
Lets put it this way

It doesnt matter who you vote for, you will always end up with "the goverement"
People in hostile nations and territories, Like China, North Korea, Massachussets and California want Kerry for president. That's all I need to know.

I think it's funny how "those people" say Bush is so stupid, but still he seems to know everything! He knew Iraq didn't have WMDs (why did we think Iraq had WMDs? Because they acted like they did! Did everyone forget that?!) He knew that 9-11 was going to happen. He knew North Korea was working on nuclear weapons (thanks Bill Freakin' Clinton for giving them the technology!). Dang, Bush is pretty smart, huh?!

Wow, a political discussion, people on different sides -and I completely agree with everything said in the last three posts.

I think there are more brains on this board than in any government.
lavenatti said:
I think there are more brains on this board than in any government.

Well, I think a majority of us are, or in my case, soon to be engineers. 8)
And the point is ???

Can ANYBODY remember the original question? (no, don't look back, be honest!)

I wonder if we should have a 'Rants' page for threads like this :?:

I've got to side with Styx' comment - after all, if it made any difference they wouldn't LET you vote! (the civil service don't get elected in-and-out of office so who do they serve?)
Sorry - I've seen too much 'Yes Minister' on telly to take politics seriously!
A president is damned if he does and damned if doesn't. Iraq may have been a mistake but you can only say that now because of what we know now. At the time it was right, and rather than make our troops feel like they have suffered for nothing, Bush looks at things optomistically. If Bush wouldn't have invaded Iraq people wouldve called him weak and said he doesn't care about this countries safety. After all a majority of Americans supported the war at that time. Also if Kerry wouldve been president for the last 4 years he wouldve done the exact same thing, and we know this for a fact. So what it comes down to is no matter who is president, a large portion of the world will have a problem with them. Only history can dictate a presidents success and failures. Just like Reagan, Eisenhower etc.
I'm sure the troops can see the good that they are doing over there. We think it's a mess because the media mainly covers the bad stuff. They get to see the people that they are helping first hand, and there are a few bad apples of course.

Also, it's not the just the President that decides what to do (it would be a dictatorship if it was). Congress voted to go in too. I'm sure the UN would have been on board if it wasnt for France and Germany vetoing it to protect their "special interests" (weapons trade) there.

Oh and Mechie, it wasnt a question, it was a joke about the Flip-Flopper.
Re: And the point is ???

mechie said:
I wonder if we should have a 'Rants' page for threads like this :?:

I dont think that would be a good idea for me, I already spend too much time on this board as it is. Throwing in an off topic page, although it would be nice, would make me spend even more time.
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