What does that mean??? Too many unknown abbreviations.

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Well-Known Member
Some people talk with so many abbreviation I have no clue what they are saying. I think we should all be on the same page.

Here is a list of the abbreviation that I need to know. EL, ECG, SMPS, DVM, ADC, CCA, FAQ, HDMI, SMD, MTU, ECU, RS, ESR, PSU, RFID, SMPS, GSM, FFT, MOV, FRGA, DDL, DMV.

If you do Google search some of these come up with several different possible answers and some have no answer at all?????

Here are the abbreviations I know. THHN, CPU, FET, 3PH, RF, MMC, GPS, FM, AM, LED, IC, CMOS, MHZ, LSD, DIY, SCR, TC, SCS, MOT, NPN, PNP, VSVFSG.

There should be a place to look all these up so we dont has to ask, What does that mean?
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TLA = Three Letter Acronym
EL = Electro Lumincent (spelling)
ECG = A line of replacement components, See NTE
SMPS = switched mode power supply
DVM = Digital voleter
ADC = Analog to Digital converter
CCA = Cold Cranking Amps
FAQ = Frequently asked questions
HDMI = A display connector (High Definition Multimedia Interface )
It supports ethernet, audio, video etc.
SMD = Surface Mount Device
MTU = Maximum transfer unit (TCP/IP)
ECU = Engine Control Unit
RS = Radio Shack or RS Electronics - Need context
ESR = Effective Series Resistance
PSU = Power Suppy Unit
RFID = Radio Frequency Identification
SMPS = (duplicate)
GSM = (telephony term) i.e. GSM modem https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=https://www.acronymfinder.com/GSM.html&ei=dD7qVIHNH_HgsATb5YH4Ag&usg=AFQjCNHwqS4N2PZLmuQwLXyWcccq5DNKoQ&bvm=bv.86475890,d.cWc
FFT = Fast Fourier Transform
MOV = Metal Oxide varistor
FRGA (FPGA maybe) Field Programable Gate Array
DDL - Digital Delay Line
DMV (context) Department of Motor Vehicles
Take your pick

The ones I was unclear on, got more info.
Another common translation of "ECG" is electrocardiogram or electrocardiograph. EKG (based on the German spelling) means the same thing and is/was used by older doctors.


For years now, once I run across an unknown acronym I search for it, what made my life easier along time. Simply google "XXX acronym". BTW, YMMV.

USA cannot beat Brazil in using acronyms basically related with politics and social matters. Reading newspapers sometimes, is an incredible experience. Funny thing is that they creep easily into conversation.

I would worry about other things. Google made our life on this regard, easier.
I recall some tips for Excel and maybe Corel Draw to get weird results. Is that what you are talking about?
Most acronyms are duplicated across many different environments. So it's helpful, when searching for what the acronym means, to include some context info in the search.
ECG ?? My mechanic used that term when he I asked him to look at the diff on the Ft axle of my 4 x 4. I thought he was alluding to a highly technical electronic examination - but his diagnosis .. .. .. Every Cog Grinding !!!

If you want to speak in abbreviation you need to type the meaning of the abbreviation so we know what it means. Just because you know does not mean everyone else does.

I still don't know what ESL means? Extremely Small Lips is a good guess but that has nothing to do with electronics. Maybe, Electric Sliced Lasagna.

What if we all start typing every other word English and Navajo, wouldn't that be nice.

My wifes father was a news paper reporter for 35 years, he had to write articals for the news paper every day. He once told me, the average person has a vocabulary of about 400 words, if you use words that know one knows then people soon learn not to read your articals. When I took psychology in college we were told to put yourself on the same level as the people your speaking to if you want to be heard.

Just a helpful tip.
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ESL (in an electronic component) is Equivalent Series Inductance.

All electronic components have parasitic characteristics other than their primary one. In many cases they can be ignored, but always need to be considered if you want a design to be reliable.
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Kids using cell phones use acronyms (abbreviations) so that their parents don't understand that they are texting about illegal or sexy things.
When I was a kid I didn't text a girl what I wanted, I actually spoke to her.
Huh, when I was a kid the only cell phone was on the wall in the local nick ! If you wanted to tell a girl what you wanted you had to wait until you could whisper in her ear and then avoid being hit by her white stick !!!
Back when i did a bit of sound engineering you routinely get audience/band members thinking they know better. Initially i spent along time explaining to them why they are wrong until a colleague introduced me to the DBA button. Its a button that fixes anything the person is complaining about, DBA? Does Bugger All.
Its amazing how many people would go away happy knowing you've taken their advice on board.
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