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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

variable timer

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New Member
need timer 5 sec on 3-4 hours off i tryed 4060 it works 4 hours on 4 hours off. how can i adjust the off time and the ontime independant?
Look at my posts to this thread.

Another idea is to capacitively couple the CMOS output to the base of a transistor, which amplifies the differentiated signal (which occurs only once per 4hour cycle).
Two versions here, one which has a high going pulse, and the other which has a low going pulse. Load could be a relay. The R3C1 (R6C2) time-constant controls the pulse duration.


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curious how did you get 3 different ossiscope displays and the grid?
have yet to even get the grid to show up. YES I have the SHOW GRID checked.
sorry if I kinda changed subjects but I like to copy the screen shot schematics and duplicate for learning purposes.
curious how did you get 3 different ossiscope displays and the grid?

Click on the Plot Window, Menus change to reflect that the Plot Window is active

Click on any plot pane. Go back to schematic window and Left Click on node to add voltage trace, Left Click on component to get current trace, Alt Left Click on component to get power dissipation trace. New trace always appears in the plot pane you clicked on last.
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Hmm. I have seen that site (REUK). The info about the 4060B is ok and is quite interesting. However,the article that combines the 4060B and the NE555 timer is complete and utter rubbish. I took one look at the circuit and nearly died laughing. Then I decided to build the damn thing and try to make it work. 4 months later still trying. REUK should be Horsewhiped and then Shot at dawn for wasting my time and lots of others time.

A 4011 or a 4093 connected as an Astable oscillator is probably the best way of doing this. However, I believe only timings of up to 30 mins are possible.

Hope that helps someone and most of all saves some time that would otherwise be wasted

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