My daughter bought me a plant last christmas and as I've never managed to keep a plant alive for more than a few, weeks I decided an electronic solution was the answer.
After a few different iterations my current version consist of an ESP8266 NodeMCU board, a HX711 electronic scale and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor. I did have it auto watering until about 6 weeks ago when a bug caused a problem - hopefully found said bug and squashed it and will resume auto watering soon.
The ESP acts as a HTTP server and an FTP server. The page it serves up gives a very interesting chart to look at.
Here, blue trace and scale are weight in grams, green is humidity and red is temperature. Each peak of the red line is a day.
The thing I find most interesting is the humidity. For the last few days I've been getting static shocks more than usual and didn't know why. Looking at the chart it was rather obvious.
This has been an interesting project and I've learnt a lot - especially html, javascript and how server/client communication works.
The code on the ESP only uses about 300k of (4MEG of) flash, 35k of ram and the file system (SPIFFS) has less than 100k used.
Anyway, just wanted to demonstrate how powerful the ESP chips are. I can get the Wemos mini boards with 80k ram and 4meg flash for less than US$5.
After a few different iterations my current version consist of an ESP8266 NodeMCU board, a HX711 electronic scale and a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor. I did have it auto watering until about 6 weeks ago when a bug caused a problem - hopefully found said bug and squashed it and will resume auto watering soon.
The ESP acts as a HTTP server and an FTP server. The page it serves up gives a very interesting chart to look at.
Here, blue trace and scale are weight in grams, green is humidity and red is temperature. Each peak of the red line is a day.
The thing I find most interesting is the humidity. For the last few days I've been getting static shocks more than usual and didn't know why. Looking at the chart it was rather obvious.
This has been an interesting project and I've learnt a lot - especially html, javascript and how server/client communication works.
The code on the ESP only uses about 300k of (4MEG of) flash, 35k of ram and the file system (SPIFFS) has less than 100k used.
Anyway, just wanted to demonstrate how powerful the ESP chips are. I can get the Wemos mini boards with 80k ram and 4meg flash for less than US$5.