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I am interested in building an ultrasonic dog whistle that is powerful enough to reach about 200 feet. I have a neighbor dog that will not stop barking and I would like to be able to "push a button" and emit a 150db plus 20-25 khz signal that would cause him to stop barking. If possible, I would like to be able to adjust the frequency so that I can find the optimum "spot". Any advice, idea or direction would be greatly appreciated.

Wayne (W3HXI)
Quite a distance , might get the dogs attention but would put your teeth on edge up close.
Conventional tweeters are not really up to this but you could try an electrostatic discharge speaker should work at 40+Khz
Thanks; Well I was going to try and use an outdoor speaker and hide it in the trees aimed at the house.. I will research the speakers you suggest. Any ideas on what to drive it with? I saw an 555 timer going into a small speaker so I would need to amplify it some and drive it into a larger speaker. Thanks again, Wayne
I have no advice on the project you propose but...

Would this "dog whistle" be on most or all the time or only when he/she barks? In any case, it may be wise to consult the neighbor to whom the dog belongs to and get him/her to take action on the dog, you can easily involve the police if nothing is done at no charge to you. If this speaker is for the dog to stop barking, it may be possible that one of the neighbors' use for this dog is for protection, ie; bark in the case of an intruder or wild animal (a reason why my family has a dog). In this case, the neighbors' are pretty much screwed if you build this whistle behind their back and, in the unlikely and unwanted event, a burgler or animal does enter their property.

If this is not the case, please disregard my comments.

Ivan C.
it might make the dog bark more
I have to presume that your reference to 150 db level is at some point a few inches or feet in front of the speaker (transducer). That's an awful lot of energy if based on normal reference levels. In my engineering handbook artillery is listed at 120 db and a Saturn rocket at 200 db. I think what you really mean is "really loud."
"150db plus 20-25 khz signal that would cause him to stop barking"
and probably give you permanent hearing impairment
Thanks folks for all of your comments; the ultrasonic device will only be activated upon the dog barking; I am not trying to harm the dog in anyway and understand that 150 db may be "overkill literally", so maybe 120 db is more appropriate. I also do not want to loose my hearing but want to make sure it makes the 200 plus feet to where the dog is.

Has anyone seen a commercial unit or instructions on building a unit that could have variable output volume? Thanks again,

Chuck it a biscuit,
it cant eat and bark.
here is what you want

Please check the link below to build what you want, don't care about other discussions, you really want something, and below is the answer. I'm also looking something like this to try for my car, to have no bird above it to dirty my car. I have to try, it is under test. But something else, I know that you have to change the frequency something like frequency modulation of your ultrasonic sound, just because the dog, or any animal to not get used with the sound!

**broken link removed**

good luck,
Not really, since ultrasonics have little predictable effect on animals, it's just another loud sound. Tried for a while to keep the neighbor's cats from using my property as their toilet. He had 17 at one point, before I convinced him to cut the population some, since they were adopted strays. I tried several circuits, frequency, and pulse timings, but never got great results, still had a few that ignored it. Fortunately, his lady friend gave him the boot, and got rid of the cats. The last circuit I built, about four years is still working, but I still get a cat from across the street. Still think it was a good idea though. I've got 4 piezo tweeters, each is sent the audio signal sequentially, about 15 second delay before the next, sound lasts about 5 seconds. I intended for around 22kHz, sound it would be heard, but used 555 timers, so kind of drifts do to temperature. Been meaning to redo this with a microcontroller, since the speakers are already install across the front of my house, but isn't a big enough success to spend the time on.
The piezo tweeter that was used on a cheap guitar speaker produces some ultrasonic sounds. It is rated at 94dB/1W/1m but probably at a frequency where it works well, not at an ultrasonic frequency.

If you tune the ultrasonic sound to one of its peak frequencies and blasted it with 64W (its max is 75W) then at 1m it produces 112dB.

200 feet is about 61m so the sound level will be only 76dB which is like a normal closeup conversation.


  • piezo tweeter.PNG
    piezo tweeter.PNG
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What about a manual (blow type) whistle and an air compressor

I've seen many manual or blow by mouth dog whistles. Can you use one of those with compressor air to make it loud enough?

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I've seen many manual or blow by mouth dog whistles. Can you use one of those with compressor air to make it loud enough?


Dog whistles are training devices. It's just a noise to the dog, no predictions on how the dog will respond, until you teach a specific behavior. A louder noise might just spook or further agitate the poor beast. Just because you can't hear it, doesn't mean it's not effecting you inner ear, might do some damage.
Did any of you succeed in building a better amplifier to make the dog shut up?

I am at my wits end with my neighbors dogs. He placed the kennel with about 5 dogs and has about 3 others loose in the yard, all next to my fence! I have asked him to please move the dogs during the day as I work night shifts but it fell on deaf ears. I can't even go out and enjoy my backyard without the dogs barking and fighting! I have already lost several gardeners who refuse to come back as they can't stand the barking! I have tried several bark deterrents but I don't think they're loud enough! If somebody has built something that works, please let me know, I'm willing to pay for the plans or the product.
Wayne if you succeeded please let me know, my neighbor has parked his dog kennel next to my fence with about 5 dogs and 3 others are loose in the yard. I work shift work, so I am not getting any sleep because of the excessive barking. I spoke to the neighbor to no avail, he didn't move the dogs. I need help.
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