Hello, I am building a 18650 charger, using 4 TP4056 module, and 4 red LED and 4 blue LED. Since the 4 TP4056 will be in some case, I added 4 red 3mm led for charging and 4 blue 3mm led for charge completed. Nothing to complexe.
Unfortunately I am having some problem with those external leds
I mean sometimes they blink sometime they dont, the red led seems to act better than the blue ones. I mean when for example 1 TP4056 is charging, red led is on (as supposed) but when charging is completed the blue led do not turn on.
I know that TP4056 is charging at a current of 1A so a good charger should be used. unfortunatly at my disposition, I only own phone charger, so 5v & 2A.
Also I know that, I can modify the charging current of TP4056 by charging the charging resistor (default 1.2k) which will decrease the charging current and increase the charging time = longer for the battery to be fully charged.
So here are some hypothesis:
Should I add resistor to the indicator led (red/blue) ??
should I change the charging resistor, to get more current left for the indicator led ??
Thx for any support.
Unfortunately I am having some problem with those external leds
I mean sometimes they blink sometime they dont, the red led seems to act better than the blue ones. I mean when for example 1 TP4056 is charging, red led is on (as supposed) but when charging is completed the blue led do not turn on.
I know that TP4056 is charging at a current of 1A so a good charger should be used. unfortunatly at my disposition, I only own phone charger, so 5v & 2A.
Also I know that, I can modify the charging current of TP4056 by charging the charging resistor (default 1.2k) which will decrease the charging current and increase the charging time = longer for the battery to be fully charged.
So here are some hypothesis:
Should I add resistor to the indicator led (red/blue) ??
should I change the charging resistor, to get more current left for the indicator led ??
Thx for any support.