I am a total Newbie to electronics, but I am old enought to know better than to start asking a bunch of dumb questions without doing at least a little research so I went here first, . I'm an old man not likely to learn all this stuff in time to be of any benefit to me. So with that said, here goes.
As a hobby, I fool with chickens, mostly for personal consumption. Anyways, A buddy of mine helped me build a dandy incubator. A few chicken friends saw it and decided they needed one too, so we started building them. easy enough to do, make a wooden box, a $15 electric heater and a plastic tray to hold water, the rest is simple mechanics, tray to hold the eggs, fan to circulate air, etc. etc. Someone posted a picture of it on a chicken forum and now everybody wants one, BUT, they want fancy. Digital temperature readout, electronic thermostats, humidity sensors,. Way out of my league of know how to build or design.
Here is where I hope some of you might be able to help out. What I am looking for is a sensor that can measure temperature, humitity, or both, that can be hooked by using wires for mounting inside the incubator and connect to a digital readout that is mounted outside the incubator cabinet. Ideally, the readouts would be measured in 1/10 degrees and +/-1% Rh. Also a thermostat that can handle 120v, 400w that can uitilize a probe so thermostat is mounted outside the incubator. Ideal temps are 99.5degrees and humitity 40%-70%. thermostat needs to regulate on/off at or near 1degree or less.
I know nuthing about programing chips, or building circuits, heck I'm an old man fooling with chickens, but if someone can point me in the right direction, I'll get the grandkids to do the soldering, at least they can see those little parts. Or if someone is willing to build this circuitry for me, I'll pay a reasonable price.
As a hobby, I fool with chickens, mostly for personal consumption. Anyways, A buddy of mine helped me build a dandy incubator. A few chicken friends saw it and decided they needed one too, so we started building them. easy enough to do, make a wooden box, a $15 electric heater and a plastic tray to hold water, the rest is simple mechanics, tray to hold the eggs, fan to circulate air, etc. etc. Someone posted a picture of it on a chicken forum and now everybody wants one, BUT, they want fancy. Digital temperature readout, electronic thermostats, humidity sensors,. Way out of my league of know how to build or design.
Here is where I hope some of you might be able to help out. What I am looking for is a sensor that can measure temperature, humitity, or both, that can be hooked by using wires for mounting inside the incubator and connect to a digital readout that is mounted outside the incubator cabinet. Ideally, the readouts would be measured in 1/10 degrees and +/-1% Rh. Also a thermostat that can handle 120v, 400w that can uitilize a probe so thermostat is mounted outside the incubator. Ideal temps are 99.5degrees and humitity 40%-70%. thermostat needs to regulate on/off at or near 1degree or less.
I know nuthing about programing chips, or building circuits, heck I'm an old man fooling with chickens, but if someone can point me in the right direction, I'll get the grandkids to do the soldering, at least they can see those little parts. Or if someone is willing to build this circuitry for me, I'll pay a reasonable price.