Switching circuit to change resistance

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New Member
I have already easy access to a circuit that switches at the timing intervals that I want from .6vdc to .04vdc.

I'm hoping that there is a transistor out there I can use with that output to then make a circuit that switches between one resistor, then to put that resistor in parrallel with another to lower resistance. So that in the end product, I want to use the voltage output switching circuit I already have input into a piggy circuit to switch between one resistor setup to another. This would be used in a 1vdc (not sure on this I need to take a reading to confirm its 1vdc not 5vdc) line that needs a resistance value in series with it, but switching back and forth from value a) and b).

I'm thinking a specific transistor, the 1vdc to the collector, the .6 to .04 output at the base and resistor b) at the emitter. Then resistor a) in parrallel of the transistor at the 1vdc collector spot to the emitter. When the transistor "closes" it puts a) and b) in parrallel thus lower the resistance value, then when it opens, resistance goes up by resister a) being in series again and this will ensure there is not out disruption.

I wish I could draw out what I'm thinking, but I'm not familiar with any schematic programs.
Should I just start from scratch on this? What would be a staple circuit for switching the resistance load in another circuit?
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