I can't seem to figure out why my microcontroller circuit works perfectly over a set of batteries but not through a wall wart.
When the circuit starts, the LEDs are supposed to be off and data is supposed to be sent to the PC. When I power the circuit with batteries, then it works. However, when using the wall wart, the LED steadily glows and no data is sent to the PC. It's as if the microcontrollers were stuck in a reset state?
I recently measured the battery voltage and the meter showed about 5.6V. I measured the voltage out of the wall wart, and the meter showed 10.4V, yet the label on the wall wart is "OUTPUT: 6.0VDC 900mA".
I do use a 7805 voltage regulator between the power supply and the rest of the circuit and I have a 16V/100uF capacitor connected across the power supply while it is used. I also have another 16V/100uF capacitor connected between VCC and GND along with a couple of 47nF capacitors between VCC and GND in other places on the board. The PCB itself measures about 2x4 inches.
The circuit also uses a MAX232 for uart communucations and the capacitors I use for it are 4 1uF's, but I don't know if thats to blame because I tested that before by measuring pins 2 to ground and 6 to ground and it gave me double voltage which is expected.
I'm not sure if my voltage regulator is so awkward that it wants to work at voltages not too close to 5V, but the one I'm using due to availability is LM7805CV. I do have only one of LM2940 and I ordered more online a week ago since they drop less voltage.
So is my voltage regulator the issue, or could it be incorrect capacitors or what? because right now, the rest of the circuit is like frozen when a wall wart is used, but when batteries (not the freshest) are used, the circuit seems to work.
When the circuit starts, the LEDs are supposed to be off and data is supposed to be sent to the PC. When I power the circuit with batteries, then it works. However, when using the wall wart, the LED steadily glows and no data is sent to the PC. It's as if the microcontrollers were stuck in a reset state?
I recently measured the battery voltage and the meter showed about 5.6V. I measured the voltage out of the wall wart, and the meter showed 10.4V, yet the label on the wall wart is "OUTPUT: 6.0VDC 900mA".
I do use a 7805 voltage regulator between the power supply and the rest of the circuit and I have a 16V/100uF capacitor connected across the power supply while it is used. I also have another 16V/100uF capacitor connected between VCC and GND along with a couple of 47nF capacitors between VCC and GND in other places on the board. The PCB itself measures about 2x4 inches.
The circuit also uses a MAX232 for uart communucations and the capacitors I use for it are 4 1uF's, but I don't know if thats to blame because I tested that before by measuring pins 2 to ground and 6 to ground and it gave me double voltage which is expected.
I'm not sure if my voltage regulator is so awkward that it wants to work at voltages not too close to 5V, but the one I'm using due to availability is LM7805CV. I do have only one of LM2940 and I ordered more online a week ago since they drop less voltage.
So is my voltage regulator the issue, or could it be incorrect capacitors or what? because right now, the rest of the circuit is like frozen when a wall wart is used, but when batteries (not the freshest) are used, the circuit seems to work.