New Member
Hi all,
I do realise that the 555 Timer IC, gives out quite good Square waves..
but a square wave surely cant exsist: Reason I've got a thing about this is because, in my Study books.. square waves are made up of multiple sine waves... Of Which I find much more interesting.. "In the terms of the sound wave"
THIS might sound mad.. but say right you got a Timer (555) well thats been set and made to give out sq-waves.. but the makers of the Intergrated Chip.. what I mean all man made!! now Im not being funny here, Sine cosine are for real.. Alternating current.. like out of the mains socket.(60hz) over in England. dont get me Wrong Ive made endless circuits with that Chip.. firstly made by Signetics.. Question What year if anyone knows what Year did the very first 555 Timer chip, named "The Time machine!!!" come out..
Its not a argument Post here.. But say you build a astable circuit with the Timer.. ok R1 + R2 value + the C value... hook up a Speaker and you Just get out a Tone, buzz, thats all, Unless you FM it with a Second Timer.. and feed the second Timer from pin 3.. of which you all know, to pin 5 CV of the 1st Astable.. then it gets interesting...
other wise I personly think Sq waves are hopless.. Yes I know there used in Logic circuits.. computers.. on & on & on...
Hope know one gets anoyed with this Post because it's purely my opinion..
Cheers all