Simple Project

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Although I wouldn't use one myself; it would save you buying a programmer and such.

programs in BASIC using a serial port, has LCD commands, good if you just want to build something quick. Price seems resonable too.
Thanks for the help everyone; whilst I am going to have a try with the PIC's I have decided to just use a 7-seg to start with and when I get that working as I like then progress to the PIC stage.

However now I have put in my order list from RS, they don't sell 4510 BCD's any more. They still sell the 4511 decoder but not 4510 - I know now that they have been discontinued; as I checked Maplin as well. Nowhere however does it say what, the 4510, has been replaced with. Can anyone tell me what it has been replaced with and if I need to replace both the 4510, which I can't get, and 4511 which is on my list.

Thanks for the help
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