In the attached linear regulator schem, why are they setting the current limit of Q7 by varying POT1? Isn't that a dodgy way to do it?
BTW, xtor P/Ns are incorrect...all i know is that Q7 is an MJ15022G...
MJ15022G datasheet
(The schem is a copy of the schem that i had (and its a real product, in use in industry)...but the schem had crossing traces, and it was impossible to know which traces joined at the crossings, and which my version of it, attached, my not be a perfect copy)
BTW, actual product features nine Q7's in parallel.
BTW, this is a real product in use in industry
BTW, xtor P/Ns are incorrect...all i know is that Q7 is an MJ15022G...
MJ15022G datasheet
(The schem is a copy of the schem that i had (and its a real product, in use in industry)...but the schem had crossing traces, and it was impossible to know which traces joined at the crossings, and which my version of it, attached, my not be a perfect copy)
BTW, actual product features nine Q7's in parallel.
BTW, this is a real product in use in industry