servo trouble

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New Member

I'm trying to control a servo to a central position using a PIC 16f84A. I am using the rudimentary code below to go to a central position when switch one is pushed, with switch two not really doing anything at the moment.
I have tested this on MPLAB IDE and the timings seem OK, a 1500 cycle pulse and a 20000 cycle total. Running with a 4MHz oscillator this is supposed to centralise the servo. However the servo just skews hard over each time.
Have I messed up the timings somewhere??

include ""


; Variable Definition
SW1 EQU H'00' ;SW1 is triggering RA0
SW2 EQU H'01' ;SW2 is triggering RA1
SW3 EQU H'02' ;SW3 is triggering RA2
SW4 EQU H'03' ;SW4 is triggering RA3
TIMER1 EQU H'20' ;Used in delay routine
TIMER2 EQU H'21' ; " " "
PATERN EQU H'22' ;Pattern data for effect's

ORG 0 ;Reset vector address

;***********Set up the constants*********

COUNT1 equ 20h ;First counter for our delay loops
COUNT2 equ 21h ;Second counter for our delay loops

;*********Set up the port****

bsf STATUS,5 ;********Switch to bank 1****
movlw B'00000000'
movwf TRISB ;Set all port b to outputs
movlw B'11111111'
movwf TRISA ;set port A bit to input
bcf STATUS,5 ;switch back to bank 0

;****Start the program*******

Start movlw B'11111111'
movwf PORTB ;*****Set the ouput port B to high

; goto Switch1

; goto Switch2

; goto Start ;go back to Start and turn LED on again


movlw B'11111111'
movwf PORTB ;*****Set the ouput port B to high

;do the offset part

movlw D'255'
movwf COUNT1
call DelayByFour ;Wait Four instruciton cycles * COUNT1

; do the position part
movlw D'118'
movwf COUNT1
call DelayByFour ;Wait Four instruciton cycles * COUNT1

;finish the PWM cycle
movlw B'00000000' ;invert lights
movwf PORTB ;'*****Set the output port B to low
movlw D'120' ;remaing time - 10 additional instructions
movwf COUNT1
call DelayByFour ; now up to 2ms

movlw D'18' ;Do the final 18ms loop
movwf COUNT2
movlw D'115'
movwf COUNT1
call DelayByFour ;Wait Four instruction cycles * COUNT1
decfsz COUNT2,1
goto loop3
; goto Switch2
goto Switch1 ;go back to the start of the loop


movlw B'11110111'
movwf PORTB ;*****Set the ouput port B to high
goto Switch1

goto Switch2

NOP ;make instruction count 4
decfsz COUNT1,1 ;Subtract 1 from COUNT1
goto DelayByFour ;Go back to the start of our loop
NOP ;make final loop 4 instruction cycles


;****End of program*******

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You have no

include file,
Config line,

Even when these are added, SW1 and SW2 aren't defined.
Can you post a file that will at least assemble.

Edit, sorry, I should be a little more tolerant of new posters. I'll have a look at your code.

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If you remove the switch testing it works as expected.

Start		movlw	B'11111111'
		movwf	PORTB		;*****Set the ouput port B to high

[COLOR="red"]	;	btfsc	PORTA, SW1
	;	goto	Switch1

	;	btfsc	PORTA, SW2
	;	goto	Switch2
	;	goto	Start		;go back to Start and turn LED on again


		movlw	B'11111111'
		movwf	PORTB		;*****Set the ouput port B to high

;do the offset part 

		movlw	D'255'
		movwf	COUNT1
		call	DelayByFour	;Wait Four instruciton cycles * COUNT1

; do the position part 
		movlw	D'118'
		movwf	COUNT1
		call	DelayByFour	;Wait Four instruciton cycles * COUNT1

;finish the PWM cycle 
		movlw	B'00000000'	;invert lights
		movwf	PORTB		;'*****Set the output port B to low
		movlw	D'120'		;remaing time - 10 additional instructions
		movwf	COUNT1
		call	DelayByFour	; now up to 2ms

		movlw	D'18'		;Do the final 18ms loop
		movwf	COUNT2
		movlw	D'115'
		movwf	COUNT1
		call	DelayByFour	;Wait Four instruction cycles * COUNT1
		decfsz	COUNT2,1
		goto	loop3
[COLOR="Red"]	;	btfsc	PORTA,SW2
	;	goto	Switch2[/COLOR]
		goto	Switch1		;go back to the start of the loop

Thanks for your efforts however I'm getting the same result with the servo position unfortunately. I've put in all the code except for the include file (this is just a standard microchip file)
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If the servo skews hard to one side it is receiving pulses ok, as if there was no pulse the servo would go limp.

The pulses are either too long or too short, or possibly just fixed high at 5v out.
Check your xtal speed and timer settings, its probably running at *2 or /2 speed etc.
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