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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

RIP Steve Jobs

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Engineer, visionary, marketing genius, and he changed the world. His presence will be missed.

Just saw the news myself this morning.
Never met the man. Did work on two of his projects that did not make it. Mr. Jobs had some BIG ideas that changed us, and he had a number of ideas that will never be seen. No fear of failure!
I heard the news the other day. I was never a fan of Apple products, but the world still lost a great visionary. RIP Steve. :(
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One of those guys who give off a vibe that you know them.. His charisma was so strong, it has got a name and acronym itself and is studied by communication experts and PR people: Reality Distortion Field.

Requiescat In Pace.
Odd.. how few news articles and comments there were about him before he died... Rest in peace Mr Jobs, may as few people as possible surf your corpse to their own ends. He'd laugh at most of what is said about him I'm sure.

You might want to peruse this link. It provides another insight into his life.


**broken link removed**
The reason nobody talks about this, is that everyone knows about this.

The article amuses me (Actually, Gawker amuses me) because it's written like it's a kind of scoop or insider info nobody knew of, when, let's not be very polite about it, it's just acting like a rapace on a still warm body.

Nobody said he was perfect, everybody knows the reputation..

But what do you want, it's Gawker.

The reason nobody talks about this, is that everyone knows about this.

But doesn't everyone know that S.J. walks on water? Yet they still talk about it.

The article amuses me (Actually, Gawker amuses me) because it's written like it's a kind of scoop or insider info nobody knew of, when, let's not be very polite about it, it's just acting like a rapace on a still warm body.

Well, I heard from other sources that he was a rude, crude, lewd dude, but I didn't know before that he exploited Chinese child labor. Being such a hands on guy, he must have known about why his products were made at the price he negotiated.

Nobody said he was perfect, everybody knows the reputation..

Yes, that is what Gawker said.

But what do you want, it's Gawker.

It is sensationalistic and sometimes informative.

I have a strange feeling that we've gotten slightly off topic.... :D:D
Give it 20 years, no one will know who he was except as a footnote on some future version of The Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy... The technology world nowdays is so dynamic Job's death couldn't have come at a more perfect crossroads where his future actions would have meant less and less and his current status was at it's virtual peak. Can you imagine what kind of pressure is on Apple right now to come out with a new product (The Iphone 4S is nothing more than an upgrade) that can live up to Job's previous innovations? I mean something truly new and distinctive in design and function... It'll be hard because the industry (apple included) is now forced to try to deal with 'now what?'

I could be wrong but I don't think there will be any major leaps of technology in the next couple years so much as it will be adaptations and software and function into these devices which contain so much raw inherent power. The day of the limitation of the human mind and it's application to processing power is coming to a close. It's now the minds that must grow to fill the technology applications, Job's did that for a brief period of time. This needs to be done for generations.
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I could be wrong but I don't think there will be any major leaps of technology in the next couple years
I think you are wrong, innovations will keep coming with out Steve. We can not see them because we not visionaries.
As I said before, give it 20 years....
He is a great inventor and he changed the world in some way.
It is big loss because of his pass away. We will always remember you and your great contribution for all humans.

He is a great inventor and he changed the world in some way.
It is big loss because of his pass away. We will always remember you and your great contribution for all humans.

Don't you think he was an innovator, rather than an inventor?


Don't you think he was an innovator, rather than an inventor?


I am guessing that's just the language barrier coming into play there....
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