resistor help

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Well, I can't dismiss what you say out of hand. Maybe next time I need new headlights I'll look into it. I'd need to replace my whole headlight assembly though, and I'll have to do more research.

When I see the blue ones around Vancouver it's usually on some slicked-out gansta-looking blingbling SUV which will probably get shot to ribbons before long.

I think all the gangstas in Toronto have killed each other and are buried. Good riddance.
Most were American criminals and they brought their guns with them when they came here.

Last year I lived in Richmond, and have never, in my life, seen so many BMWs and Mercedes with a New driver, or Learner sticker on the back. No wonder our insurance rates are so high.

I'm so glad I don't have to drive in Richmond any more. I'm sure the world's worst drivers drive there.
audioguru said:
I think all the gangstas in Toronto have killed each other and are buried. Good riddance.
Most were American criminals and they brought their guns with them when they came here.

I think they all moved out to Vancouver. Every week someone is gunned down here. They should all go back to the US, where they belong. =)
cantfindausername said:
The place I've found to get them from are the same price regardless of colour. Maybe a list of potential suppliers would be usefull at this point.
Still, using white LEDs with a red filter is pretty silly since white LEDs don't give out much red light compared to red LEDs. In short, if just use red LEDs and it'll be much brighter.
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