Rep Buttons

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Well-Known Member
Most Helpful Member
What has happened to the Like button and proposed other buttons? They don't appear on Chrome/Win7.

I did saw one post that was rep'd as "dumb." Doesn't that de facto violate one of our old and proposed new rules?

Glad you noticed it jpanhalt. If you click on it, you will see I did that as a test. I then quickly removed it as it's not a very good idea.

I have added the new likes buttons however, at this stage as a trial they are Like, Dislike and Informative.

When a post has 2 or more Dislikes it will be hidden from view (but still able to be view by clicking a button). Here i will create another post and we can try it out..
most likely, I can´t see anything either.
edit: not in ff, chrome nor explorer
Hmmm...I see 1 like and 1 dislike

Nobody can agree on anything these days. I just did the second dislike. Check it out before someone counteracts my vote just for spite.

Now someone dislike me DAMN IT!
Really? People can't even agree to dislike me if I ask then too?

That's it! I'm going into politics! What's the worst that can happen? I become president?
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