I have an A6 AI Thinker GSM Modem board. I have connected it to a pic16f887 and I can send an sms from it when certain conditions have been met in the PIC.
Now I want to use the same modem for controlling the turning on of an LED upon receiving the message 'ON' or 'OFF'. What is the logic for receiving the sms and comparing the received message to 'ON' or 'OFF' and acting accordingly? I am using MikroC for the compiler.
I have an A6 AI Thinker GSM Modem board. I have connected it to a pic16f887 and I can send an sms from it when certain conditions have been met in the PIC.
Now I want to use the same modem for controlling the turning on of an LED upon receiving the message 'ON' or 'OFF'. What is the logic for receiving the sms and comparing the received message to 'ON' or 'OFF' and acting accordingly? I am using MikroC for the compiler.