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Probably your most bizarre (& dumbest?) Q this year (ever?)

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New Member
Hey I am NOT afraid to ask dumb Qs. if they can lead to help!

Okay here is the deal. I bought this thing called a Hulda Clark Zapper, incredibly cheap, as shown at the link below. (It is an alternative health device used for electrocuting pathogens in the body. If you think it sounds crazy, so did I.)

**broken link removed**

It did not work for long. You can tell when the Zappers are working because if you put the two pennies or other kinds of copper conductors (attached to the the alligator clips) to your tongue simiultaneously while the 9V battery is on, they will tingle. After awhile this original one didn't tingle any more so I decided to "recycle" it.

I have no clue about electronics, but based on studying the little device this is what I did:

I cut off the wires from its old alligator clips, then pared on those wires at the ends on one side of each wire only, until the copper wire filaments (?) inside were partially exposed at the two ends. Next I attached those wire ends, exposed-copper-wires-touching, to some copper foot plates made from
copper foiling found at Home Depot. (The idea is to put the feet on the copper "plates", after they are covered with wet paper towels for better conductivity, to send the electric current thru the body. I'm sure someone is getting a "shock" right now, reading this. :eek:)

The thing is, I understand about the 9V battery part of course - that is what is used to create the power for the devices. But I don't understand about the 30 HZ part at all. The only thing I understand about HZ is that it has to do with number of pulses per second. Could my paring away at the plastic wire coverings, to expose the inner copper wires, interfere with the 30 HZ amount of the original zapper?

Some of those inner copper wires got kind of crinkly and I'm sure they are not all in perfect contact with my new alligator clips. Some of the wires may have even broken off somewhat. Do any such changes cause a difference in HZ, or for that matter in voltage?

This new device does pass the tongue tingle test.

If you want to lecture me on what you feel might be harmful and/or crazy about this device, hey have it. Maybe I'll learn something. But please also let me know if my "recycled" device will work or not at 15HZ to 30HZ, the recommended amount.

Also, if anyone is curious for the origins of this idea, it came from the Albert Einstein University. They discovered that they could kill HIV viruses with a mild electronic current. However, this idea was not picked up by pharmacies, instead some people like Bob Beck and Hulda Clark developed similar devices and wrote books about them, including diagrams for how to make them for yourself cheaply.

Their devices are not just like mine, but seem to have more "bells and whistles" like on/off switches and maybe other things that are or are not necessary. I don't know. Bet you do, though! :D
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking?

1. It runs at 30 kHz (30000 Hz) not 30 Hz
2. A 9v battery by itself will make your tongue tingle, it's not a good test that the device is "working"
3. What the heck is it supposed to do??? :eek:
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking?

1. It runs at 30 kHz (30000 Hz) not 30 Hz
2. A 9v battery by itself will make your tongue tingle, it's not a good test that the device is "working"
3. What the heck is it supposed to do??? :eek:

Thank you for your reply.

1. Okay. Greek to me one way or another.
2. I have tried the tongue tingle test with just one of the wires connected to copper and there was nothing. When both wires were connected to two pieces of copper there was a tingle.
3. The zapper causes a small electronic current to flow thru the body killing pathogens. Nobody likes to talk about them, but it also kills parasites. According to Hulda Clark everyone she has tested at her clinic in Mexico (she died just recently in her 90s from an old spinal injury) has parasites and in particular everyone has tapeworms.

To find out about the tapeworms, take 1 tsp of cayenne powder (the capsules aren't as good) in yogurt or applesauce or whatever daily. In a less than a week you should see "white rice" in your stools. These are tapeworm segments - it doesn't kill the whole "beast" though, you need green hull black walnut, wormwood and clove bud for that. Plus a zapper is extraordinarily helpful. Fonding the "white rice" is a big tip off that there needs to be a parasite cleanse before one gets really sick. Naturally they multiply with time.

Many people, me included, have reported that the lab tests for parasites (I wasn't even really concerned, just covering all bases for my health) and visual checking are not too likely to be accurate. They are sneaky little devils for sure.

Clark says that all diseases are caused by parasites, toxins and mold. Get rid of them (and it ain't too easy) and you get rid of the diseases. There is a ton of info on her and the zapper on the net. Bob Beck has some interesting, similar, devices and stories, too.

Just FYI, since you asked. :)
I want to rephrase my Q. to hopefully make it more clear.

The ebay zapper I built works at a certain frequency, 30. After I exposed its copper wires inside, and clipped them to copper conductors with alligator clips, did that change the frequency, the HZ, khz whatever it is called? Could that have changed the power of the 9V battery flowing thru the wires?

(Hey, I just saw some ads by Google, here, above, advertising the Zapper.)

Thank you. I have already read the pros and cons on Hulda Clark. Most importantly I have actually followed some of her protocols. They yielded the results she said they would. (You can find out if she is right about everyone having tapeworms, for yourself, with the self test I mentioned above.)

Now, to the original Q., do you know if the kHZ of the wires is changed by my paring them at both ends on one side to partially expose the inner copper wires, then attaching those wires with alligator clips to copper conductors?
Those phoney "doctors" should be shipped to their own planet where they can poison each other.

Doesn't eveybody in Mexico have parasites? Their drinking water is full of sewage.

The zapper zaps the person who uses it. It does not zap any parasite.

Why do gullable people believe the lies about stuff?
This Hulda Zapper seems to me as useless as a match if you have a cigarette lighter - and super expensive too.

We use mosquito zappers here producing 5KV. They look like a tennis racket and each hit is a 100% kill frying the insects with a small explosion like sound. They cost 100Baht (US$ 2.85)

Those mosquito zappers are rechargeable from the wall outlet.

As with every low power zapper they won't survive a dead short caused by a copper coin, frying the HV transformer - and sometimes the driver transistors.

Furthermore I think getting tape worms is a matter of an untidy and dirty kitchen.

Okay I have read the articles pro and con on Hulda Clark. More importantly I have tried her protocols - tho not all, there are numerous - and they work.

Parasites and their eggs are all around. They can come from pets, walking in dirt, incompletely cooked meat, produce, even from a blast of air into the nostrils.

Is anyone, please, just going to answer my Qs?
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If you want circuits, do a SEARCH on this Forum for: "Hulda"
or Google: Hulda circuit schematic

I got involved because the circuits were simple and fun to play (technically) with.

Ken :)
No, you won't change the frequency by altering the connections at the ends of the wires.
When you started this thread, why did you choose the title if you thought it was a device with any merit. You obviously suspect what most knowledgeable people know, it's completely useless.

Here are a few related circuits. WetWare Zips

Personally, don't believe such things, but you can never know. I feed my dogs cigarettes when they get worms, works in a day or two. Tobacco naturally repels most pests and parasites.

Oh, most of the alternative medicine devices I've read about have lots of flashing lights, switches, dials, and meters. The more impressive the device, the more likely it will work (placebo effect).

You can test most any battery on your tongue and get a tingle, lots of nerve endings and little resistance. Wouldn't try it with a fresh 9 volt battery though (personally would use this method at all, hate getting shocked), use a meter, plenty of cheap ones in the $5 range.

Anyway, you can't believe everything you read. With the internet, if someone is selling something homegrown well, there will be plenty of others trying to cash in as well. Each quoting the other, and adding their own 'credibility' to the product. Sometimes the product/concept dies out, profits dry up. Some seem to keep popping up. This one has been around for many years, it's cheap and easy to produce. If it had been effective, it would be commercial and on the shelves.
When you started this thread, why did you choose the title if you thought it was a device with any merit. You obviously suspect what most knowledgeable people know, it's completely useless.


I'm sorry I inadvertently gave the wrong impression. Honestly I was just trying to catch the eye of people to get their attention on an unusual subject.

The "bizarre" to me meant that is is not something people would usually get on this forum for. The "dumb" part meant I don't know about electronics even the difference between kHZ and HZ.

Folks, I was actually trying to be helpful in the face of standard orthodoxy when I responded about the parasites. I could have just skirted away from the issue, or said my son was working on a science project, and not have gotten any hassle or unpleasant remarks. :rolleyes:

I think everyone should know about these health hazards. If you will do the cayenne pepper test you will have reason to rejoice. If no "white rice" shows up within a week you can fel smug and believe you are parasite free. If "white rice" does show up, you can rejoice because you have found out that you have a lurking health issue that desperately needs to be attended to. You will also have started to think outside the box of medical orthodoxy, which can often be quite helpful!

Let me give you an example of what Hulda Clark says that gets debunked.
She says an olive oil and lemon flush can cause gallstones to be removed and prevent gallbladder surgery. (There are testimonies all over the web on that one!) This idea gets attacked all the time. I have seen physicians (though some, like my own doctor, says her reasoning makes perfect sense) say that what comes out in the toilet is just "soapstones" made by the oil and lemon.

But when people do the cleanses - as I have - they see EXACTLY what is shown in the Youtube vids of gallbladders that are dissected and full of gallstones. Also, just as she says, once one does a cleanse then in about 2 more weeks it has to be done again because the stones actually come from the liver and they start to push forward into the gallbladdeer when there is more room.

People can quote theory to me all day. I am a pragmatist (even spiritually, I believe in miracles because I have seen them). If I see something working according to the plan, I believe it!

This very site advertises Zappers. Heaven only knows how many are sold.
Some people are getting healthier. I hope you will be one of them.

That's it for me on this string, and this forum, except to thank the person who actually answered my question.

Bye and blessings.
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I think everyone should know about these health hazards. If you will do the cayenne pepper test you will have reason to rejoice. If no "white rice" shows up within a week you can fel smug and believe you are parasite free. If "white rice" does show up, you can rejoice because you have found out that you have a lurking health issue that desperately needs to be attended to. You will also have started to think outside the box of medical orthodoxy, which can often be quite helpful!

Surely, if the "white rice" shows up then the parasite is dead, or did I miss something? What is the "white rice" except bits of the dead parasite?

Here are a few related circuits. WetWare Zips

Personally, don't believe such things, but you can never know. I feed my dogs cigarettes when they get worms, works in a day or two. Tobacco naturally repels most pests and parasites.

Oh, most of the alternative medicine devices I've read about have lots of flashing lights, switches, dials, and meters. The more impressive the device, the more likely it will work (placebo effect).

You can test most any battery on your tongue and get a tingle, lots of nerve endings and little resistance. Wouldn't try it with a fresh 9 volt battery though (personally would use this method at all, hate getting shocked), use a meter, plenty of cheap ones in the $5 range.

Anyway, you can't believe everything you read. With the internet, if someone is selling something homegrown well, there will be plenty of others trying to cash in as well. Each quoting the other, and adding their own 'credibility' to the product. Sometimes the product/concept dies out, profits dry up. Some seem to keep popping up. This one has been around for many years, it's cheap and easy to produce. If it had been effective, it would be commercial and on the shelves.

Thanks. I appreciate your kindness in giving me information. I also appreciate it that you are trying to be helpful by warning me away from the Zapper. As I said above, I am a pragmatist. Trust me. The thing killsl parasites. Not to be gross, but if they show up in the toilet, and they never did before, it's sure not placebo effect! Many people have had that experience.

Since you seem like an open minded, fair minded sort, you might want to try the cayenne pepper test mentioned above. (I want you to be healthy.) Cayenne is extreeeemly healthy for your whole body so you have nothing to lose.

Blessings & bye! :)
Surely, if the "white rice" shows up then the parasite is dead, or did I miss something? What is the "white rice" except bits of the dead parasite?


The "white rice" are segments of the tapeworm. The cayenne does not kill the head, though, which is what reproduces. The above mentioned herbs, plus the zapper, help with that as does pumpkin seed oil. If "white rice" is seen, you can bet your bottom dollar that tapeworms are not the only parasite you have according to Hulda Clark and many who have done parasite cleanses. You cannot necessarily count on lab tests as they only check for a small number, & there are over a thousand, from a very small stool sample and the parasites can be all throughout the body, including higher up in the colon, the liver, etc.

The best way to find out if they are there is to do a parasite cleanse.

I am no expert on parasites, but am just starting to learn. has lots of info on them if you see the "white rice." Many testimonials and helpful people. Lots of gross pics.:eek:
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