I want to increase the supply voltage to the LEDs (without damaging the PIC) to get some descent brightness in my LED matrix 16 X 32 design.Here how I'm going to do.
Will the transistors get OFF 5.5-4.8 = 0.7V still available in base
Due to saturation drop of ULN2803 (1V Loss) I'm going to supply this wasted voltage from source side. Is it ok?
Roughly a single column LED will take 64mA peak current. When multiplexed at 1/16th rate, the Average will be 4mA per LED.
Will the transistors get OFF 5.5-4.8 = 0.7V still available in base
Due to saturation drop of ULN2803 (1V Loss) I'm going to supply this wasted voltage from source side. Is it ok?
Roughly a single column LED will take 64mA peak current. When multiplexed at 1/16th rate, the Average will be 4mA per LED.