I'm starting to wrap my head around the new features of the PIC18F27Q43 - this chip has amazing features for a couple bucks. There's a lot to learn here.
I want to use the NCO to generate a square wave of up to around 5kHz to trigger the DAC to give an adjustable amplitude and frequency square wave. I had the idea that this would be possible using just features of micro, but I'm not seeing how to do this.
I suppose one way to accomplish this is to use an analog switch triggered by the NCO to switch the DAC output.
The goal is an adjustable amplitude and frequency tone to drive a speaker as a replacement for a piezo beeper. I've found that an integrated square wave (low pass filter + gain) yields a pleasant tone.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I want to use the NCO to generate a square wave of up to around 5kHz to trigger the DAC to give an adjustable amplitude and frequency square wave. I had the idea that this would be possible using just features of micro, but I'm not seeing how to do this.
I suppose one way to accomplish this is to use an analog switch triggered by the NCO to switch the DAC output.
The goal is an adjustable amplitude and frequency tone to drive a speaker as a replacement for a piezo beeper. I've found that an integrated square wave (low pass filter + gain) yields a pleasant tone.
Thanks for any suggestions.