I have an unusual requirement which I'd have resolved with a sepic if I could find one with the range. Basically I have a PIC which controls a small FET. The FET has a relatively high drive voltage and there's a capacitor decoupler in front of the gate to isolate it from the load which drops a bit of voltage. From 5V into the PIC I get about 3.5v at the gate. RGS is 4V for reasonable resistance..
The input voltage is somewhere between 40v to 5v. 5V is the absolute minimum for the PIC to be able to drive the gate, which means using a zener/transistor follower drops 0.7v and is a no-go. Same for any sort of LDO, not that I can find anything decent which handles the input range.
Current is low, no more than 0.1A. My first thought was to use a a 3.3v LDO into a buck. My second, which I've attached a diagram off is to use two LDO's and the PIC to drive a voltage doubler. Any other suggestions?
Cheers, Andrew
I have an unusual requirement which I'd have resolved with a sepic if I could find one with the range. Basically I have a PIC which controls a small FET. The FET has a relatively high drive voltage and there's a capacitor decoupler in front of the gate to isolate it from the load which drops a bit of voltage. From 5V into the PIC I get about 3.5v at the gate. RGS is 4V for reasonable resistance..
The input voltage is somewhere between 40v to 5v. 5V is the absolute minimum for the PIC to be able to drive the gate, which means using a zener/transistor follower drops 0.7v and is a no-go. Same for any sort of LDO, not that I can find anything decent which handles the input range.
Current is low, no more than 0.1A. My first thought was to use a a 3.3v LDO into a buck. My second, which I've attached a diagram off is to use two LDO's and the PIC to drive a voltage doubler. Any other suggestions?
Cheers, Andrew