Hi, following design has the purpose to transmit a low to high transition with delay to the output.
The delay is set by R7 and C3.
The 555 functions as a monostable multivibrator: the input transition (L -> H) is transformed to a pulse (C1 and R3) which triggers pin 2 which sends pin 3 high which sends Q3 conducting which keeps Q1 non-conducting.
As soon as the C3/R7 time has lapsed pin 3 goes low and allows the output to go high.
My question concerns the values for R1 and R5: I think these can be optimised, but I would like your opinion on this?
In particular when IC2 is conducting output 4 is presented R1 and R5 in parallel to ground when Q3 is conducting (not an issue by itself), but when Q3 opens, then the gate of Q1 may see a voltage divider of the 12V supply to ground. Since this is an N-channel with load to source, the gate voltage does matter.
The delay is set by R7 and C3.
The 555 functions as a monostable multivibrator: the input transition (L -> H) is transformed to a pulse (C1 and R3) which triggers pin 2 which sends pin 3 high which sends Q3 conducting which keeps Q1 non-conducting.
As soon as the C3/R7 time has lapsed pin 3 goes low and allows the output to go high.
My question concerns the values for R1 and R5: I think these can be optimised, but I would like your opinion on this?
In particular when IC2 is conducting output 4 is presented R1 and R5 in parallel to ground when Q3 is conducting (not an issue by itself), but when Q3 opens, then the gate of Q1 may see a voltage divider of the 12V supply to ground. Since this is an N-channel with load to source, the gate voltage does matter.