pc817 optical isolation I/O circuit board with led indicator

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I have a PLC controller, they recommend optically isolating the plc. It appears they are all NPN based I chose to use the pc817 4pin. I would like to have 5v input and 5v output ( I have been using a cd4050 for this purpose because of the voltages I/O) I would also like to have an LED to indicate signal. I believe the led's are 3v . oh, the I/O are logic level cmos. can someone make a schematic with the correct values. I don't care which side of the pc817 the led is on, whichever makes the most engineering sense? the next question I have is..... is there any good reason to not just use thecd4050? the switching speeds are not fast. what real advantage is there? the source voltage is 5v the cd 4050 I have been using are I/O's pulled low with a 4.7k resistor and a 1k series 5v input .....

Thanks, Steve
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