The two current regulators here try to keep the LED current from overshooting too much each time the LED voltage supply turns back ON.
The one with the zener diode has the advantage that its opamp’s output voltage never gets railed high, and so it should offer less overshoot in the LED current when the LED supply voltage comes back on, however, its overshoot is just as bad as the other one, whose output does rail high.
Why is this?
Ie, Why does the opamp whose output gets railed high not incur greater led current overshoot than the other one?
I mean, when the opamp output rails high, the opamp’s output stage goes into saturation, and so it should take more time to bring its output down from the high rail? (and thus incur greater overshoot in the led current when the LED supply voltage comes back on)
LTSpice sim and pdf schem attached
The two current regulators here try to keep the LED current from overshooting too much each time the LED voltage supply turns back ON.
The one with the zener diode has the advantage that its opamp’s output voltage never gets railed high, and so it should offer less overshoot in the LED current when the LED supply voltage comes back on, however, its overshoot is just as bad as the other one, whose output does rail high.
Why is this?
Ie, Why does the opamp whose output gets railed high not incur greater led current overshoot than the other one?
I mean, when the opamp output rails high, the opamp’s output stage goes into saturation, and so it should take more time to bring its output down from the high rail? (and thus incur greater overshoot in the led current when the LED supply voltage comes back on)
LTSpice sim and pdf schem attached