Online suppliers

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New Member
I'm having a heck of a time finding all the parts (caps, resistors, transistors, etc.) I need in one place online. I really don't want to have to order stuff from 4 or 5 different places.
So who has a link to the electronics supply super store.

Rapid online is also very good especialy when you buy more than £30 pounds(i think) cause you don't have to pay for postage
Rapid online is also very good especialy when you buy more than £30 pounds(i think) cause you don't have to pay for postage

I suspect the weak $/£ and the shipping over to Seattle would be a bit of a killer though

I used to use Rapid a lot but RS have started to become competitive on some items so I've been splitting my spend
RE is one of the places I was looking. I've searched high and low for a local place, but being in the 20 something largest city here in the US doesn't help. Radio Shack is about as good as it get's.
I'll go through the list Dirty linked to when I get some time of my own. Off to finish the MIL's bathroom remodel this weekend.
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