Odd ebay experience

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So, I purchased a piece of handheld test equipment that comes with easily replaced (screw terminals) test leads and a cloth case. The unit arrived promptly.

The unusual part of this story is that it smelled of cigarette smoke. Lots of smoke particles everywhere.

I had to wash the cloth case twice in the washing machine. I washed the leads in the washer and they still smelled, so I soaked them in ammonia overnight. Much better.

The case looks pretty sealed, but still haven't put batteries in it.
Firstly, I would have inserted the batteries in, to test the unit, and then washed the cleaning rag out in the sink. Put it in the washing machine?
Smoke and eventually some nicotine involved made me think of some alcohol as suitable to disolve it. Just guessing, have to admit.
Cigarette smoke is the worst. I've seen some old studio equipment destroyed by cigarette smoke. The smoke gets into the sliding potentiometers.. or whatever they are called.. and destroys them. Well.. rock'n'roll, what can you do.
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